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Gamifier S/4 Hana SAP TM
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Feb_25_SAP TM Batch
01_TM_10-11-24_An Overview of Transportation Management (TM) - Key Terms, Historical Background, Product Alternatives, Differences with Logistics Execution (LE), Industry Process Flows, and Perspectives on S/4 HANA vs. Standalone TM (196:48)
02_TM_01-03-25_Shipper sc/LSP Scenario to explain - Introduction to TM system terms - Introduction to TM system (191:26)
03_TM_02-03-25 -Master Data - BP config (188:54)
04_TM_08-03-2025_Master Data - Location and trade lane config (190:08)
05_09-03-25_TM_Route, Schedule, TLane, BS (Config - Transactional Data) (188:23)
Nov_24_SAP TM Batch
01_TM_10-11-24_An Overview of Transportation Management (TM) - Key Terms, Historical Background, Product Alternatives, Differences with Logistics Execution (LE), Industry Process Flows, and Perspectives on S/4 HANA vs. Standalone TM (189:20)
02_TM_16-11-24_Shipper sc/LSP Scenario to explain - Introduction to TM system terms - Introduction to TM system (189:45)
03_TM_17-11-24 -Master Data - BP config (194:42)
04_TM_23-11-2024_Master Data - Location and trade lane config (180:59)
05_24-11-24_TM_Route, Schedule, TLane, BS (Config - Transactional Data) (187:47)
06_30-11-2024_TM - Master Data- Config_ Transactional Data Resource, Scale, Rate Table (191:59)
07_01-12-24_TM_Charge Management - Config - Transactional Data Calc sheet, Agreements, (194:02)
08_07-08-24-TM_Order Management - Config/Transactional Data - Forwarding Order (196:06)
09_08-02-24_Planning - Config_ Transactional Data - Forwarding Order config (196:19)
10_14-12-24_Planning - Config_Transactional Data FUBR_ conditions_ config etc (195:35)
11_15-12-24_Execution - Config_Transactional Data - FO_FRB (179:21)
12_21-12-24_Execution_Settlement - Config or Transactional Data LSP process completion, FO/FRB config completion (225:36)
13_22-12-24_Shipper Sc Config or Transactional Data - Shipper Sc process along with config-PP or SP or T Cockpit (180:53)
14_28-12-24_TM (242:50)
May_24_SAP TM Batch
01_TM_Demystifying SAP Transport Management: Terminology Guide and Architectural Deep Dive (185:41)
02_TM_SAP TM products & Architecture (179:50)
03_TM_SAP TM end to end process overview (178:17)
04_TM_E2E TM Cycle with S4 Hana Basic Enterprise Structure (172:13)
Assignment - 01 E2E Process
Assignment - 02 E2E Process
05_TM_TM Enterprise structure & S4 Hana Master Data Set up (178:00)
06_TM_25-05-2024_Comprehensive SAP Training: Enterprise Structure, Module Integration, and Business Partner Management (125:37)
Assignment - 03
07_TM_26-05-2024_Advanced SAP Hana Integration Configuration: Sales and Transportation Management. (162:38)
Assignment - 04
08_TM_A_01-06-2024-FUBR , freight unit type, freight order type configuration, transportation (146:53)
09_TM_A_02-06-2024-FUBR , freight unit type, freight order type configuration, transportation part -2 (173:58)
10_TM_08-06-2024_ TM master data transportation zone and locations (167:25)
11_TM_09-06-2024_TM master data - lanes and transportation network (185:59)
12_TM_15-06-2024_TM master data - lanes and transportation network Part 02 (183:15)
13_TM_A_16-06-2024_FUBR , freight unit type, freight order type configuration, transportation cockpit, profile maintenance, incompatibility - 3 (157:36)
14_TM_22-06-2024_13_TM_A_16-06-2024_FUBR , freight unit type, freight order type configuration, transportation cockpit, profile maintenance, incompatibility - 4 (223:07)
15_TM_29-06-24_fu type and pudl concept (141:08)
16_TM_06-07-2024_FO type and cockpit layout (175:51)
17_TM_07-07-2024_Selection Profile in Transportation Cockpit (144:32)
18_TM_13-07-24_Planning and other profile in Transportation Cockpit (137:10)
19_TM_14-07-24_Run Transportation Cockpit - Manual Planning (148:08)
20_20-07-24_TM_Carrier selection (150:11)
21_21-07-24_TM_Tendering (154:38)
22_27-07-24_TM_Charge management - Session. (119:33)
23_28-07-24_TM_Charge management(Agreements, Calc sheet, Rate table, Scales) demo. (138:06)
24_03-08-24_TM_Charge Management Part -3 (133:59)
25_ TM Charge Management Part -4 (116:34)
26_10-08-24_TM _ Doubt Session SAP TM Scenario (143:29)
27_TM_17-08-24_Doubt Session SAP TM Scenario (169:38)
28_TM_18-08-24_ FSD creation and settlements (138:35)
29_TM_24-08-2024_Output Management (158:42)
28_TM_25-08-24_Overview of SAP EM (104:36)
29_TM_31-08-24_LSP Scenario (122:58)
30_TM_1-08-24_LSP & Ocean Senecio (113:48)
31_TM_08-09-24_Interview Questions Answers (159:57)
Nov_23_SAP TM Batch
01_TM_Demystifying SAP Transport Management: Terminology Guide and Architectural Deep Dive (147:02)
02_TM_SAP TM products & Architecture (171:23)
03_TM_SAP TM end to end process overview (137:48)
04_TM_E2E TM Cycle with S4 Hana Basic Enterprise Structure (152:29)
05_TM_TM Enterprise structure & S4 Hana Master Data Set up (182:09)
06_TM_Integration Config Between S/4 Hana & TM (133:25)
07_TM_TM Master Data (179:45)
08_TM_Transportation zone. (144:03)
09_TM_Transportation carrier/ FUBR , freight unit type, freight order type configuration, transportation cockpit, profile maintenance, incompatibility (158:43)
10_TM_A_FUBR , freight unit type, freight order type configuration, transportation cockpit, profile maintenance, incompatibility - 2 (125:25)
11_TM_A_FUBR , freight unit type, freight order type configuration, transportation cockpit, profile maintenance, incompatibility - 3 (130:26)
12_TM_A_FUBR , freight unit type, freight order type configuration, transportation cockpit, profile maintenance, incompatibility - 4 (137:31)
13_TM_Selection profiles in cockpit (139:09)
14_TM_Carrier selection (126:21)
15_TM_Carrier tendering and automatic tendering (137:12)
16_TM_A_Charge management Part-1 (144:31)
17_TM_A_Charge management Part-2 (159:53)
18_TM_Freight settlement document (136:22)
19_TM_Freight settlement document and it's integration with s4 & LSP ocean scenario ppt (137:13)
Session Notes - LSP &Ocean Scenrio
20_TM_Interview Tips (90:19)
21_TM_Ocean Scenario (97:10)
22_TM_LSP Scenario (157:06)
23_TM_TM execution & ksp (127:00)
24_TM_R_PPF and technical (130:26)
25_TM_Overview of Integration with EM (98:04)
26_TM_Incompatibility (141:33)
27_TM_VSR Optimizer (130:40)
Session Notes - VSR Optimizer
01_TM_Demystifying SAP Transport Management: Terminology Guide and Architectural Deep Dive (141:01)
02_TM_SAP TM products & Architecture (137:00)
03_TM_SAP TM end to end process overview (152:16)
04_TM_E2E TM Cycle with S4 Hana Basic Enterprise Structure (140:52)
05_TM_TM Enterprise structure & S4 Hana Master Data Set up (173:34)
06_TM_TM enerprise structure , s4 hana master data (138:17)
07_TM_Integration Config Between S/4 Hana & TM (148:58)
08_TM_TM Master Data (166:02)
09_TM_A_FUBR & FU type Config (144:54)
10_TM_A_Freight order type Config (141:26)
11_TM_Master Data -Transportation Network & Transportation lane (210:42)
12_TM_A_Freight order type Config- 2 (145:23)
13_TM_S_TCM (transportation charge management) (188:39)
14_TM_S_TCM (transportation charge management) Part - 2 (175:25)
15_TM_S_TCM (transportation charge management) Part - 3 (191:12)
16_TM_S_Settlement (179:05)
17_TM_S_Settlement Part - 2 (179:46)
18_TM_S_Optimiser Planning (165:24)
19_TM_S_Optimiser Planning Part - 2 (183:27)
20_TM_R_Carrier selection and tendering part -1 (125:27)
21_TM_Carrier selections and tendering part -2 (143:20)
22_TM_Transportation Execution & Event Management (132:06)
23_TM_Ppf Post Processing Framework and Texts (130:22)
24_TM_Ppf Post Processing Framework and Texts Part-2 (103:53)
TM Terminology and Architecture (177:54)
02_TM_S4 Hana TM Architecture and End to End Process (176:35)
03_TM_End to End Process & Basics of Configuration (172:59)
Mind Map - SAP TM Process E2E With Standard Set of Data
04_TM_Basic System set up from scratch for TM and SD (179:58)
Mind Map - S4 Enterprise Structure
Mind Map - TM Enterprise Structure
05_TM_SD - TM Integration Configuration , Master Data - Business Partner , Carrier, Material Master & Locations (154:04)
06_TM_FU & FUBR (166:38)
07_TM_R_Oerder type Confrigution (156:58)
08_TM_Master Data - Transportation Network Session (135:09)
09_TM_Teansportation Lanes (162:05)
10_TM_R_Freight order type, manual creation and introduce transportation cockpit (150:58)
11_TM_R_Started transportation cockpit and selection profile (138:43)
12_TM_S_TCM (transportation charge management) (159:47)
13_TM_S_TCM (transportation charge management) - 2 (191:19)
14_TM_S_TCM & Settlement. (159:55)
15_TM_S_TCM & Settlement - 2 (172:24)
16_TM_S_Ocean Scenario - 1 (161:31)
17_TM_S_Ocean Scenario - 2 (193:09)
18_TM_R__Selection Profile & Transportations Cockpit (124:16)
19_TM_R_Transportation Cockpit & Optimizer (142:23)
20_TM_R_Incompatibilities (119:31)
21_TM_Carrier Tendering (162:19)
22_TM_Automatic tendering and logistics business network (136:31)
23_TM_Output Management with PPF (141:20)
24_TM_Output Management with PPF Part - 2 (97:01)
25_TM_Event Management (139:16)
26_TM_Q&A (103:11)
22 July_Gamifier_SAP_TM
Mind Map - What is SAP TM?
01_TM_S4 HANA Enterprise Structure & Pre-requisite Configurations, (178:44)
Mind Map - Transport Management Terminology
02_TM_Hand-on_Enterprise & Organization Structure (193:05)
Mind Map- Master Data
03_TM_Master Data - General, Transportation Network, Resources (213:48)
04_TM_Hands-on_TM Master Data Part 1 (183:11)
05_TM_Master Data - Schedule, Default Route, Trade Lane (154:32)
06_TM_Hands-on_TM Master Data Part - 2 (144:31)
Mind Map - TM Process
07_TM_Integration between SAP SD & TM (121:35)
08_TM_Hands-on_TM Master Data Part - 3 (169:44)
09_TM_Freight unit and freight unit building rule (129:41)
10_TM_Freight unit and freight unit building rule - ii (116:35)
Offline Videos - Freight Order Type (102:06)
11_TM_Freight unit document type (131:17)
12_TM_freight unit and freight order type config (121:19)
13_TM_Cockpit page setup and selection profiles (128:55)
14_TM_Selection profiles and planning profile (129:17)
15_TM_Optimizer planning (120:49)
16_TM_TCM Part - 1 (171:54)
17_TM_TCM Part - 2 (181:13)
18_TM_ Settlement (174:19)
19_TM_TCM & Settlement system Demo (145:16)
20_TM_TCM & FSD. (151:00)
21_TM_LSP Master Data Discuss (103:48)
22_TM_Ocean Booking scenario (164:12)
23_TM_Optimizetion (119:56)
24_TM_Tendering & PPF Action (121:02)
25_optimizer in SAP TM (118:49)
Gamifier Videos Batch
S4 HANA Enterprise Structure & Pre-requisite Configurations, TM Organization Structure (167:23)
02_TM_Master Data - General, Transportation Network, Resources (152:17)
03_TM_Package building (129:37)
TM_Manual Planning (147:55)
05_TM_Automated Planning (130:12)
06_TM Charge Management & Settlement (140:42)
07_TM_Technological Concepets (138:34)
08_TM_Package Building (124:30)
01_System Go Through SAP TM Enterprise Structure (228:43)
02_Hands on Session on TM Master Data Setup (189:30)
03_Doubt_TM_Hands on session TM master data -session 2 (164:09)
04_Doubt_TM_Hands on session TM master data -session 3 (181:12)
05_TM_Doubt_TM Charge settlement (179:56)
06_TM_Doubt_TM Charge settlement Part - 2 (167:51)
07_TM_Charge settlement and FSD creation session 3 (140:05)
08_TM_Planning profiles and optimiser planning (139:09)
09_TM_Planning profiles and optimizer planning (139:09)
10_TM_Transportation Planning (161:08)
11_Doubt_TM_Transportation Planning Part - 2 (137:10)
12_TM_Planning setups (82:49)
13_Transportaion Planning (118:16)
14__TM_Optimiser planning (119:18)
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29_TM_24-08-2024_Output Management
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