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Gamifier Mastery SAP S/4 HANA SD
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Gamifier Mastery SAP SD - Batch 25- Jan
01_05-01-25_SAP Workshop - A Comprehensive Overview Of SAP (190:24)
02_12-01-25_SAP Navigation Workshop (168:04)
03_SD_18-01-25_OTC - Cycle (123:36)
04_SD_19-01-25_Enterprise structure (126:23)
05_25-01-2025_Business Partner (162:33)
06_26_01_2025_Customer Master (120:21)
Session Notes_Customer Master
07_SD_02_02_25_Work center and routing (125:51)
08_SD_09-02-2025_ATP (162:15)
09_SD_09-02-2025 (63:49)
10_SD_15-02-2025 (140:12)
11_SD_16_02_2025_Order Configuration (135:25)
12_SD_22-02-2025_ sales document types & item category (125:16)
13_SD_22-02-2025_ Item category (142:08)
11_PP-MM-SD_01-03-2025_Batch Management (148:23)
14_SD_02-03-25_Delivery Processing - Doc type and Item Category. (125:34)
Gamifier Mastery SAP SD- Batch 24-Sept
01_07-09-24_How to start your career as a SAP SD consultant (126:45)
02-14.09.24_3-hour SAP workshop - Comprehensive Overview of SAP for Beginners (200:50)
03_15-09-2024_SAP Navigation Workshop (165:43)
04_21-09-24_Order to Cash Cycle (164:43)
05_22-09-24_OTC Cycle & Enterprise Structure (171:26)
06_28-09-2024_Sales organization (134:11)
07_29-09-2024_Business_Partner (161:24)
08_05-10-24_SD_Customer account groups and Partner determination (133:33)
09_06-10-24_Customer material info records and material master (154:05)
10_12-10-24_SD_Sales document types (132:54)
11_13-10-24_SD_Item categories (133:53)
12_SD_19-10-2024_Schedule line category and 3rd party sales (141:05)
13_SD_26-10-2024_Continuation of schedule line category, third party sales process, delivery processing. (132:56)
14_SD_27-10-2024_Continuation of schedule line category, third party sales process, delivery processing Part -2 (134:02)
28-10-24_Advanced aATP configurations. (133:41)
15_SD_02-11-2024_ Questions & Answer (44:32)
16_09-11-2024_SD_Stock Transfer Order (181:58)
17_17-11-2024_MM_Batch Management (158:02)
18_SD_16-11-24_Condition Technique Listing _ Exclusion Material Substitution Free Goods Free Goods Part -1 (126:20)
19_SD_17-11-24_Condition Technique Listing _ Exclusion Material Substitution Free Goods Free Goods Part -2 (194:42)
20_23-11-24_SD_Delivery scheduling, route determination and billing (116:32)
21_30-11-24_Pricing Procedure of SAP SD (134:53)
22_01-12-24_Pricing Procedure of SAP SD Part -1 (116:33)
23_07-12-24_Pricing Procedure of SAP SD Part - 2 (135:42)
24_07-12-24_Pricing Procedure of SAP SD Part - 3 (134:21)
25_15-12-24_Pricing conclusion, revenue acct determination, output determination, intercompany sales (118:24)
01_MM_PP_SD_FICO_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects. (144:51)
02_MM_PP_SD_FICO_ Business Process & Object Required (149:06)
03_MM_PP_ SD_FICO_Sap navigation with tips and tricks to use sap screen (158:26)
04_PP_SD_FICO_MM_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation (152:45)
05_19-05-2024-System Landscape and Project Phases (107:01)
06_26-05-2024-OTC cycle and enterprise structure (147:26)
Session Notes - OTC Cycle
Assignment - 01
07_-28-05-2024_Material Master + Target Setting (130:42)
08_02-06-2024-Enterprise structure revision, Common master data, Otc cycle with own master data (118:40)
09_SD-04-06-2024- Business Partner (117:53)
10_SD_09-06-2024_Incompletion log, partner determination, item proposal (102:43)
Session Notes -Incompletion procedure, Partner determination, Item proposal
11_SD_11-06-2024_Customer Master (118:15)
12_SD_16-06-2024_Material determination, listing and exclusion & Sales processes (146:47)
Session Notes - Material determination
13_SD_18-06-2024_Customer Material info Record (126:35)
14_SD_22-06-2024_Sales process part - 1 (148:26)
15_SD_30-06-24_Sales process part 2 (100:15)
Session Notes - Sales processes
16_SD_02-07-2024_Order type configuration (118:03)
17_SD_07-07-2024_Consignment and third party process (108:05)
Session Notes - Consignment Process
Session Notes -Third party process
18_PP_08-07-24_Batch Management (129:02)
19_SD_16-07-24_Order type and item category configuration (145:58)
20_20-07-24_SD_Intercompany sales, Revenue account determination (123:37)
Session Notes - Intercompany process
21_21-07-24_SD_Intercompany sales, Revenue account determination Part - 2 (107:09)
Session Notes - Revenue account and Output
Session Notes - Free goods
22_SD_23-07-2024-Item Category Configuration - Billing Relevant (123:50)
23_27-07-24_MM_STO (Stock Transport Order) (147:03)
24_28-07-24_SD_Billing type and billing plan (113:59)
25_SD_Schedule line category (127:24)
26_SD_Pricing Procedure of SAP SD (145:21)
27_SD_Pricing Procedure of SAP SD Part -2 (147:26)
28_SD_Pricing Procedure of SAP SD Part -3 (150:18)
01_MM_PP_SD_FICO_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects. (139:47)
02_MM_PP_SD_FICO_ Business Process & Object Requried (194:33)
03_PP_SD_FICO_MM_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation.mp4 (111:41)
04_MM_PP_ SD_FICO_Sap navigation with tips and tricks to use sap screen.mp4 (149:25)
05_MM_SD_PP_FICO_ Enterprice Structure (144:52)
06_MM_SD_PP_FICO_ Enterprice Structure Part -2 (168:52)
07_S_SD_Enterprise structure definition and assignment (97:46)
Assighnment - Enterprise structure definition and assignment
08_sd_s_Enterprise Structure (111:02)
Session Notes - Enterprise Structure
09_SD_Master Data (133:41)
10_SD_S_Common master data, OTC cycle , partner determination (149:12)
11_SD_Custmore Material info Recored (78:31)
12_SD_S_Incompletion procedure, Partner determination, Item proposal (128:27)
13_SD_ORDER type configurations (141:21)
14_SD_Pricing Procedure of SAP SD (121:36)
15_SD_Pricing Procedure of SAP SD PArt -2 (126:03)
16_SD_Pricing Procedure of SAP SD Part - 3 (186:03)
Session Notes - Pricing Procedure
16_SD_S_Incompletion log, sales bom, sales process (140:08)
17_SD_S_Sales processes (128:40)
18_SD_Transaction Flow (126:40)
19_SD_Inter-Company Process and Consignment (134:01)
20_PP_Batch Management (129:21)
21_SD_Item Category Configuration (122:05)
22_SD_STO (Stock Transport Order) (166:19)
23_S_SD_24-03-2024-Inter company process (104:42)
24_SD_26-03-2024-Item Category Configuration - Billing Relevant (138:49)
25_SD_Free goods and revenue account determination (127:39)
26_SD_ATP & Delivery Type Config (168:10)
01_PP_MM_SD_FICO_10 Reasons Why People Fail to Start a Career in SAP (171:07)
02_MM_PP_SD_FICO_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects. (164:04)
03_MM_SD_PP_FICO_SAP landscape, projects and Phases (146:09)
04_PP_SD_FICO_MM_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation (150:55)
05_PP_SD_FICO_SAP Products , Navigation and System Set up (148:36)
06_PP_MM_FICO_SD_SAP Products , Navigation and SAP tables (146:01)
07_SD_O2C cycle. (127:00)
08_S_SD_Enterprise structure definition and assignment (116:40)
Session Notes - Enterprise structure definition and assignment
09_SD_Business Partner Overview
09_SD_Business Partner Overview (145:46)
10_SD_S_Material master, common master data and OTC cycle with own master data (130:16)
11_SD_Order type config (78:15)
12_SD_S_Incompletion procedure, Partner determination, Item proposal (120:45)
Session Notes -Incompletion procedure, Partner determination, Item proposal
13_SD_ Order type configuration (137:27)
14_SD_S_listing and exclusion, material determination and sales bom (99:14)
15_SD_Item Category Configuration (135:33)
16_8OCT_SD_S_Sales processes (111:15)
17_ SD_10oct_Item Category determination and Schedule line Category Configuration (118:23)
18_SD_17oct_Schedule Line Category Configurations Part -2 (138:31)
19_SD_S_22oct_Sales process part 2 (107:35)
20_SD_24oct_Available-to-Promise (ATP) (142:25)
22_SD_29Oct_Third Party Process (93:34)
21_S4 Hana Master Data & Batch Management Changes (180:41)
22_SD_Stock Transfer (159:55)
23_SD_S_5oct_Consignment process and intercompany process (86:13)
24_SD_Free goods and account determination (108:38)
25_S_Pricing part 1 (95:16)
01_MM,SD,FICO,PP_Sap S4 HANA Architecture and Business Process Integration (149:02)
02_SD,MM,PP,FICO Objects to map business Processes, SAP Landscape , Product Journey and Project Phases and Different Roles. (184:40)
03_SD_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation (158:00)
4.1_SastraGeek LMS tool usage (89:28)
4.2_SAP Navigation and SAP Tables (82:19)
Assignment - 01
05_SD_Order to cash cycle and basic system configuration (138:56)
06_SD_S_Enterpries Structure (120:31)
Session notes- Enterprise Structure
07_SD_Business Partner, Material Master Creation and OTC Cycle & Common Master Data (116:10)
Assignment- Complete OTC cycle with own enterprise elements and master data
08_SD_S_Incompletion log , item proposal , listing and exclusion concept understanding (130:24)
09_SD_ S_ Listing and exclusion , material determination, sales BOM (113:07)
Session Notes
10_SD_Capacity Planning (47:51)
11_SD_Different sales processes (142:03)
Session Notes - 05
12_SD_Business Partner (179:13)
13_SD_Order type configuration (142:51)
14_SD_Sales processes (114:17)
15_SD_Order type and item category configuration (141:35)
16_SD_Partner Determination and Consignment end to end (133:44)
Session Notes - Partner Determination and Consignment end to end
17_MM_Stock Transfers (144:46)
Assignment - Stock Transfer
18_SD_S_Third party process (112:45)
Session Notes - Third party process
19_SD_ Item Category & Schedule Line Category Configurations (153:59)
20_SD_S_Intercompany sales (88:55)
Session Notes - Intercompany Sales
21_SD_Item category & Scheduled line category (117:40)
22_MM & SD_Batch Management (155:58)
Assignment_Batch Management
23_S_Pricing part 1 (131:06)
24_SD_S_Pricing Part 2 (133:42)
Session Notes - Pricing
25_SD_ATP & Delivery Type Config (138:44)
26_SD_S_Free Goods Determinations (104:03)
Session Notes - Free Goods Determinations
27_SD_S_Account determination and output determination (126:50)
23 Jan_Batch
01_SD_SAP S/4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects (158:43)
02_MM,PP,SD,FICO_SAP Project, Phases , system Landscape & Product Journey (139:08)
03_MM,PP,SD,FICO_User Interfaces, System Navigation & Fiori Overview (68:27)
04_SD_Differnt kind of projects in SAP (91:13)
Session Notes - SAP GUI Navigation & Basic OTC Cycle
05_SD_GUI navigation and basic OTC cycle (90:54)
06_SD_System Configurations (142:28)
Session Notes - SAP Sales and distribution - Enterprise Structure
07_SD_S_Sales office, sales group, common master data, OTC cycle (95:05)
session notes- 3
08_SD_Master Data (109:51)
09_SD_S_Item proposal listing exclusion and material determination (111:22)
10_SD_Business Partner & Master Data Configuration (136:02)
11_SD_Partner determination and sales processes (102:22)
session Notes- 4 Partner Determination
12_SD_Partner Functions & Master Data Configurations (126:57)
13_SD Partner determination and sales processes (115:23)
14_SD_Customer Additional Data, Customer Master Info Record, Introduction to Job Hunt Mastery (111:25)
15_SD_S_Contract process and consignment end to end process (114:16)
Session Notes-5 Consignment Process-
16_SD_Order Type Configuration (130:41)
17_SD_Pricing Procedure (123:37)
18_SD_Pricing Procedure - 2 (112:08)
19_SD_S_Third party process (109:19)
Session 7
20_SD_Item Category & Schedule line Category Config (133:34)
21_SD_Batch Management (100:04)
22_SD_Batch Determinations (49:05)
23_SD_Delivery Configurations & Process (126:19)
24_SD_S_Intercompany process (103:43)
25_SD_Pricing - 3 (128:18)
26_SD_Free Goods Determinations (99:58)
27_SD_Stock Transfer Process (130:04)
Mind Map - STO
28_SD_Output determination n account determination (87:40)
Architecture, Landscape & Business Process Overview (193:08)
SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects (170:59)
Gui navigation and basic OTC cycle (115:02)
Session Notes - GUI navigation and basic OTC cycle
02_SD_Enterprise structure (135:26)
Session Notes - SAP Sales and distribution - Enterprise Structure
03_SD_SD Master Data - Business Partner (130:38)
04_SD_Enterprise structure assignment, material master and OTC cycle (141:03)
05_SD_Master Data Configurations & Customer Material Info Record (121:01)
06_SD_Item proposal, Material listing/exclusion , material determination (110:52)
Session Notes - Item proposal, Material listing/exclusion , material determination
07_SD_Partner determination and different processes in sales (154:40)
Session Notes - Partner determination and different processes in sales
08_SD_Master Data & Order Type Configurations (132:30)
09_SD_End to end process flow consignment process (118:41)
Session Notes - End to end process flow consignment process
10_SD_Order Type Configurations (141:08)
11_SD_Order Type Configurations Part - 2 (141:29)
12_SD_Third party process end to end (134:25)
13_SD_Item Category Configurations (126:38)
14_SD_Intercompany process end to end (128:45)
15_SD_Item Category Determination & Schedule Line Configuration (117:11)
16_SD_Sales processes and Revenue account determination (129:33)
17_SD_Delivery type and billing type configuration (155:47)
18_SD_Pricing Procedure (192:11)
19_SD_Account determination and output determination Part - 1 (61:50)
20_SD_Account determination and output determination Part - 2 (130:03)
21_SD_Output and free goods determination (141:48)
22_SD_Batch Management (154:27)
Mind Map - Batch management
Mind Map - Batch Determination
23_SD_Copy Control (105:12)
24_SD_crosss selling and text determination (124:15)
25_SD_ATP check (122:41)
26_SD_Bill of material and one that customer scenario (54:13)
27_SD_Billing Plan (100:38)
28_SD_stock transfer (150:13)
Gamifier Batch 22 March
Enterprise structure set up & End to End OTC Process (126:40)
Master data overview and Business Partner concept understanding (144:52)
Session Notes-
Sales Documents set up and understanding core scenarios (102:31)
Logistics Execution Process understanding (152:38)
05_SD_Billing, Account determination and Output determination (160:22)
06_Understanding Condition Technique and Pricing (69:37)
7_SD_Availability check and Transfer of Requirement set up (141:37)
SD_Special_Sales_Processes (172:20)
09_Pricing part 2 and ATP (157:39)
10_SD_Availability check and Transfer of requirements (136:02)
SD - Doubt Sessions 22 March
Incompletion log and certification question on covered topics (98:32)
Session Notes -Incompletion log and certification question on covered topics
Different business processes in sales and some certification questions (103:54)
Session Notes - Different business processes in sales and some certification questions
Business processes in sales and partner determination (95:25)
Session Notes - Business processes in sales and partner determination
04_SD_End to end process flow of third party process (73:47)
Session Notes - End to end process flow of third party process
Configuration ECC
05_SD_Consignment end to end process and certification questions (108:41)
Session Notes - Consignment end to end process and certification questions
06_SD_Intercompany sales (89:49)
07_Doubt SD_ Account determination and output determination (111:21)
08_Doubt _SD (84:37)
09_SD_Doubt (162:07)
10_SD_Doubt (119:20)
11_Doubt_SD (135:46)
12_SD_Doubt_26-06-2022 (144:17)
13_SD_03-07-2022 (131:08)
14_SD_Doubt_17-07-2022 (117:02)
15_SD_Dobt_Overview Tables in SAP (110:26)
16_SD_DOUBT_Reports in SD (120:04)
17_SD_Doubt_07-08-2022 (87:05)
18_SD_Enterprise Structure (111:37)
19_04-09-2022 (119:59)
Teach online with
16_SD_Order Type Configuration
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