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00_ARIBA_Overview of SAP ARIBA (76:44)
01_26-12-2024_ARIBA_Ariba Overview and Architecture (75:07)
02_27-12-2024_ARIBA_Dashboard and Sourcing Request Project Creation (68:28)
03_30-12-24_ARIBA_Projects, Events, Sourcing flow (48:00)
04_31-12-24_ARIBA_User Menu, Creation of Tab, Notification Settings, Master Data location, Accessing Help Portal (63:53)
05_2-01-25_Ariba_Creation of Sourcing Request, completed Form, Task completion, Project State Update (83:55)
06_03-01-25_ARIBA_Quick event creation, Act As Supplier, Monitoring the Responses (61:58)
07_06-01-25_ARIBA_Completing Tasks, Creation of Multiple Events (62:19)
08_07-01-25_ARIBA_Best Practices of Template, Sourcing Request Template, Overview, Ranks, Visibility Conditions (56:35)
09_08-01-25_Document, Tasks, Publish, Create new Sourcing Request using the new template (57:18)
10_09-01-25_ARIBA_Full Project Template, Documents, Tasks, Conditions, Create Full Project using the new template, Enumerations (61:59)
11_10-01-25_ARIBA_Quick Project Template - Timing Rules, Supplier Eligibility Criteria, Bidding rules (62:40)
12_13-01-25_ARIBA_Quick Project Template - Participant rules, Exchange rules, Bidder Agreement etc., Publishing (69:51)
13_15-01-25_ARIBA_Reverse Auction, Dutch Auction Demos (62:25)
14_16-01-25_ARIBA_Japanese Auction, Task Dependencies, Display Line Item Details, Event Message Templates, Bidder Agreement, Auction Templates (55:18)
15_17-01-2025_ARIBA_Contract Management Overview, Benefits, Contracts Tab, Creation of CW from Sourcing Project, User licenses in Project creation (59:13)
16_20-01-25_ARIBA_Contract Workspace Request, Contract Workspace creation, Completing Tasks, Publishing CWR, Follow on Document (48:04)
17_21-01-25_ARIBA_Questions, Conditions, Documents, Phases, Tasks - To Do, Notification, Approval, Review (42:14)
18_22-01-2025_ARIBA_Negotiation task, Team member rules, Approval look up table, Document based tasks (58:35)
19_23-01-25_ARIBA_Creation of Project from own template, Authoring, Sections and Clauses, using Document Properties (66:43)
20_24-01-25_ARIBA_CLID, Publishing CLID, Creation of Terms -Rules, Partition Supplier (66:10)
21_27-01-25_ARIBA_Supplier PORG mapping, Line Limits, unable to add line items (54:08)
22_28-01-25_ARIBA_Clause Library, Legacy Import of Contracts, Amendment Types, Mass Edit Project, Mass Delete Project (54:24)
23_29-01-25_ARIBA_Team Member Rules, Project Email Template, Contract Hierarchies (55:49)
24_30-01-25_ARIBA_SLP, SPM, Onboarding, Supplier Statusses, Supplier Account Types, Various ways of connecting with Supplier (68:16)
25_31-01-25_ARIBA_Supplier Request, Approval, Supplier 360 Degree, Enterprise Account fees (57:50)
26_03-02-25_ARIBA_Filling Supplier Registration questionnaire, Approving, Qualification Ques, Approving, Preferred, DisQualification, Supplier Request and Regn Templates (56:39)
27_04_02-25_ARIBA_Qualification, Preferred, Disqualification, SPM Project, SPM Templates (56:33)
28_05-02-25_ARIBA_ Import of Supplier, Supplier Contacts, ERP integration, Sync, Reprocess, Inactivate Supplier, Re activate, SM Parameters, Advance View Config etc (64:11)
29_06-02-25_ARIBA_Upstream Administration ICM Intelligent Congifuration Manager, Branding Logo, Audit Log (42:05)
30_10-02-2025_ARIBA_Reports, Places, Scheduling reports, Creation of Reports, Downstream Process overview (57:43)
31_11-02-2025_ARIBA_Catalogs, Requisition Creation, PO generation, Catalog and Non Catalog Item, Account Information, Ship to, Contract based PR (63:59)
32_12-02-25_ARIBA_Types of Invoices, Invoice Reconciliation, Invoice status, exception handling, Contract terms execution (64:31)
33_13-02-25_ARIBA_Creating PR using the Contract terms, Release Order, Approvable types, Approval flow Configuration, Testing the Approval flow (66:50)
34_14-02-25_ARIBA_Receiving Types, Invoice Exceptions, CEME File, Data Dictionery (61:26)
35_21-02-25_ARIBA_Approval look up path, CEME file, Asset Category serial Number, Supplier Network Modules (63:38)
36_24-02-25_ARIBA_Import of Catalog, UOM Mapping, Currency Mapping, Network Subscription Sync, Validation Rules, Replication, Generated Subscriptions (54:40)
37_25-02-25_ARIBA_Invoicing module support, Certification Options, Project Types, Support with SAP, Buyer Network Overview (70:35)
SAP ARIBA Notes - Students Copy
38_26-02-25_ARIBA_Introduction to CIG, Interview Questions, Backend config (69:17)
39_26-02-25_SAP Ariba Cloud Integration (CIG) (63:30)
40_26-02-25_SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway-02 (54:39)
01_02-09-24_ARIBA_SAP Ariba Overview - Dashboards (68:00)
02_03-09-2024_ARIBA_.Sourcing Overview and Introduction (51:39)
03_05-09-24_ARIBA Dashboards - self services, Delegations, Notification etc (55:51)
04_06-09-24_ARIBA Header fields, Project selection, RFP creation, Overview, Teams, Particpants, Content, Publish (67:26)
05_09-09-24_ARIBA_Full Project, Creation of Multiple Events, Tasks completion, Team Members, Help Portal (55:56)
06_10-09-24_ARIBA Creation of Sourcing Request, Various Business Processes (59:26)
07-12-09-24-ARIBA Sourcing Template, Copy from Existing, Create New, Conditions, Tasks, Reverting changes, Going to previous version (53:37)
08_13-09-24_ARIBA Event Template - Rules, Timings, Supplier Eligibility etc., (63:09)
09_16-09-24_Event template 2 - Bidding rules, participant rules, team members (67:26)
10_17-09-24_ARIBA_Event Tasks, Event visibility Conditions, Publish, Creation of Event using own template. Auctions Overview, English Auction Demo (61:57)
11_19_09_24_ARIBA_Dutch and Japanese Auctions Demo (69:05)
12_20-09-2024_ARIBA_Branding Logo, Enumerations, Region Codes, Guided Sourcing Config, Creation of GS Project (67:50)
13_23-09-24_ARIBA_GS Event Publish, Editing Template, Team Member in Full Project (58:29)
14_24-09-2024_ARIBA_Overview, Contract Request Creation, Predecessor Project, Creation from Sourcing Projects (48:21)
15_26-09-2024_ARIBA_Main Agreement, Addendum, Document Properties, Clauses and Sections (57:15)
16_27-09-2024_ARIBA_Clause Library, Importing clauses to Library, Tasks Types and Completion, Publishing, Amendments, CLID (66:38)
17_03-10-2024_ARIBA_Auction Buffer for lowering bid, Creation of Request, Limits, Line Items, Supplier Locations, Partition Supplier, Supplier Purchase Org Mapping (63:11)
18_07-10-24_ARIBA_Publishing Contract Compliance, Template change for Approver as Watcher, Creation of Templates (54:20)
19_08-10-2024_ARIBA_Creation of Template, Ariba Best Practices, Overview, Questions, Conditions, Visibility Conditions (60:17)
20_09-10-2024_ARIBA_Inactivating template, Brand New Template Creation, Assigning Documents to Task, Creation of Folder, Adding Main Agreement, Full View and Compact View (59:34)
21_10-10-2024_ARIBA_New Template, Visibility Conditions, Access Control, Phases, Tasks, Predecessors, Document Folders, Main Agreement, CLID or Terms based on User choice, Condition based Tasks, Condition based Clauses, Creation of CW using own template (64:39)
22_11-10-2024_ARIBA_Preparation of Legacy folder and files, uploading, verifiying in CW, help portal for downloading the files (59:01)
23_14-10-24_SLP, SIPM, SPM, SLP Overview, On boarding of Supplier, Request, Registration, Qualification, Preferred, Performance Management (64:45)
24_15-10-2024_ARIBA_Supplier Request, Registration, Qualification, Preferred, Access Supplier Network, Overview of Supplier Network, ANID link etc., (59:50)
25_17-10-2024_ARIBA_Request, Self Regn, Regisgtration, Qualification, Internal and External Questionnaires (49:57)
26_18-10-2024_ARIBA_Running an SPM Project, Template Configuration for Survey and Scorecards and tasks (55:42)
27_21-10-24_ARIBA_Reports and SM Admin (56:30)
28_22_10_2024_ARIBA_SM Admin Tasks, Inactivating Supplier, Parameters, ICM, Contract Compliance Activation, Branding Logo, Project email template, Event Manager (62:54)
29_23-10-2024_ARIBA_Creation of PR, PO, Invoice, Receipt, Creation of Contract based PO, Invoice, Version 2 of PR (56:37)
30_24-10-2024_ARIBA_29_23-10-2024_ARIBA_BA_Creation of PR, PO, Invoice, Receipt, Creation of Contract based PO, Invoice, Version 2 of PR (54:58)
31_25-10-2024_ARIBA_Invoice Exceptions, Receiving Type, Statusses of PR, PO and Invoice, Data Dictionary, Master Data (64:23)
32_28-10-2024_ARIBA_CEME file, Commodity mapping, Project Email Temlate (56:16)
33_29-10-2024_ARIBA_Catalog Manager, CIG Transaction tracker (63:25)
34_30-10-2024_ARIBA_Working with Support, Certification Preparation, Project Implementation (60:21)
SAP ARIBA - Student copy
35_30-10-24_ARIBA_Introduction to CIG, Interview Questions, Backend config (69:17)
36_30-10-24_SAP Ariba Cloud Integration (CIG) (63:30)
37_30-10-24_SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway-02 (54:39)
00_ARIBA_Overview of SAP ARIBA (87:20)
01_ARIBA_Dashboard Navigation and Ariba Sourcing Overview (75:42)
02_ARIBA_Sourcing - Overview (60:06)
03_ARIBA_Sourcing Request (57:28)
04_ARIBA_Quick Project, RFP Execution (57:33)
05_ARIBA_Full Project Execution (43:15)
06_ARIBA_Sourcing Request Template (56:18)
07_ARIBA_Sourcing Request Template, Project Template (50:39)
08_28-05-24_ARIBA_Full Project Template, Quick Project Template (57:11)
09_30-05-24_ARIBA_Quick Project Template, Creation of Project using own template (52:28)
10_31-05-24_ARIBA_Reverse Auction, Japanese, Dutch Auctions (62:50)
11_ARIBA_03-06-24_Japanese, Dutch Auctions (60:17)
12_ARIBA_04-06-24_Contracts Managerment, Life Cycle Overview (55:25)
13_ARIBA_06-06-24_Contract Requests and Contract Workspaces (50:06)
14_ARIBA_07-06-24_Contract Authoring (63:28)
15_10-06-24_ARIBA_Partition Supplier, Supplier Purchar Org mapping, Contract Terms Creation, Contract Compliance (56:00)
16_11-06-24_ARIBA_Release Order, Non Release Order, Auto Invoice, ERS (58:05)
17_13-06-24_ARIBA_Phases, Tasks, Questions, Conditions, Document based Tasks, Workspace based Tasks, Notification Profiles, Predecessor tasks, Access Control, Visibility etc., (58:39)
18_14-06-24_ARIBA_Publishing Template, Creating CW using own template, Amendments, Contract Version, Assignments (49:36)
19_17-06-24_ARIBA_Preparation of Legacy files, Upload, Troubleshoot error, Mass Edit Projects, LCW naming (61:56)
Document - Contract
20_18-06-24_ARIBA_SLP Overview, Onboarding Process, SPM Overview and Unique templates (54:06)
21_20-06-24_ARIBA_Supplier Request Template (58:01)
22_21-06-24_ARIBA_Supplier Registration and Template (49:40)
23_24-06-24_ARIBA_Qualification and Preferred (55:27)
24_25-06-24_ARIBA_SPM, SM Administration, Supplier Import, Inactive Supplier (59:03)
25_27-06-24_ARIBA_SM Admin and Reports (58:59)
26_28-06-24_ARIBA_Buying and Invoicing (60:59)
27_01-07-24_ARIBA_Creation of Req, Receipt. Closure of PO, ReOpen of the Order for reversal of Receipt (59:18)
28_02-07-24_ARIBA_Invoicing (53:02)
29_04-07-24_ARIBA_Approval Process, Receiving Types (62:44)
30_05-07-24_ARIBA_Administration (54:54)
31_08-07-24_User Manager Child, Groups - System Vs Customs, Intelligent Config., Audit Log, Enumerations (57:56)
32_11-07-24_ARIBA_CIF file creation, Import of new catalog, Catalog Subscription, Catalog validation rules and Catalog kits (60:49)
33_12-07-24_ARIBA_Catalog Views, Hierarchies, Index Builder, Network Subscription, Generated Subscription (51:27)
34_15-07-24_ARIBA_Project types and Connect with Support (60:51)
35_15-07-24_ARIBA_ICM, Ariba Connect, Certification Options, General Clarifications (53:55)
36_15-07-24_ARIBA_Introduction to CIG, Interview Questions, Backend config (69:17)
37_15-07-24_SAP Ariba Cloud Integration (CIG) (63:30)
38_15-07-24_SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway-02 (54:39)
Notes for Students - ARIBA
01_ARIBA_Dashboard Navigation and Ariba Sourcing Overview (59:29)
02_ARIBA_Sourcing - Overview (44:45)
03_ARIBA_Sourcing - Quick Project (53:30)
04_ARIBA_Sourcing RFP Awarding, Completing the event, Self Dashboard set up (65:28)
05_ARIBA_Creation of Sourcing Event, Master data import, Delegation of Authority, Act As another user (63:41)
06_ARIBA_Sourcing Request and Full Project (66:16)
07_ARIBA_Supplier Creation, Approval of Supplier Request, Adding the new supplier to the Event, Providing Supplier Response on Business Network (50:18)
08_ARIBA_Sourcing Request Template, RFP template - Envelope Rules, Supplier Eligibility (55:37)
09_ARIBA_Event template Publish, Approval task, Conditions, Auction Formats (58:28)
10_ARIBA_Demo English Auction, Demo Dutch Auction (60:09)
11_ARIBA_Contract Request, Contract Workspace, Licenses, Notifications, Terms, Hierarchies, CLID, Tasks, Amendments (51:29)
12_ARIBA_Contract Request creation, Publishing, Completing tasks (45:10)
13_ARIBA_Features, Hierarchies, Overview PPT presentation (51:12)
14_ARIBA_CW creation, Executing Tasks, Completing Phases, Setting up Document Properties, Assembled Documents (55:27)
15_ARIBA_Searching for template, Creation of template, Adding Tasks, Master Agreement, Conditions for Agreement, Phases creation, Accesibility Control (65:23)
16_ARIBA_Template Questions, Supplier Negotiation, Phase completion, Contract Approvals, Publishing template, creating CW using the created template (56:47)
17_ARIBA_Document Properties, Clause Library, Amendment Phase, CLID, Publishing CLID, Sent to External System (53:23)
18_ARIBA_Contract Terms creation, Partioning of Common Supplier (64:13)
19_ARIBA_Release Order contract, create PR using part number, create PR by searching catalog item, No Release Contract, Fixed and recurring fee, Cost and Expenses, Perform Receiving against Contracts (45:51)
20_ARIBA_Japanese Auction, SLP Process, Old Architecture Vs New, SPM, Supplier 360 (54:47)
21_ARIBA_SLP Process - Supplier Request, Registration, Qualification, Preffered Supplier (49:57)
22_ARIBA_Templates - Sup Request, Regn, Qualf, Prefe. SM Administration, Import of Supplier, SM Paramters, In Active Suppliers (53:19)
23_ARIBA_Buying and Invoicing module overview, PR creation (40:34)
24_ARIBA_PR processing, Force Order, GR, GR reversal, Reopen PO, Invoice posting, Auto Rejected Invoice, Clearing Invoice Exceptions. Approvable lookup files (59:18)
25_ARIBA_Filter Rules, Edit rules, Testing before activating, Receiving Types by Commodity code and Partnumber, Invoice Exception Rules (48:45)
26_ARIBA_Reports, Prepackage, Public, Personal workspace, Creating Analytical Report, Scheduling Reports, User Management, Groups (66:21)
27_ARIBA_Data Dictonery, CEME file, Approvable Role Assignments, Delegation of Authority (48:47)
28_ARIBA_ICM, Ariba Connect, Certification Options, General Clarifications (53:55)
29_ARIBA_Introduction to CIG, Interview Questions, Backend config (69:17)
30_SAP Ariba Cloud Integration (CIG) (63:30)
31_SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway-02 (54:39)
01_ARIBA_Ariba Overview, Dash Board settings, Creation of Sourcing Request (73:47)
02_ARIBA_Creation of Sourcing Project (67:28)
03_ARIBA_Sourcing Overview, Sourcing Request (56:06)
04_ARIBA_RFP Creation, Sourcing supplier (65:07)
05_ARIBA_Supplier Invitation to Sourcing (65:02)
06_ARIBA_Full Project, Templates, Sourcing templates (61:21)
07_ARIBA_Creation of Sourcing Request Template, creating project using Sourcing request template (61:27)
08_ARIBA_Creation of Best practices Sourcing Project template, Creation of new Full Sourcing Project template, Adding Event, Visisbility condition of Questions (62:04)
09_ARIBA_Sourcing Templates- Full Project template, Awarding approval creation, Conditional based Tasks, Publishing template, creation of Project using the new template (58:58)
10_ARIBA_Event Templates, Bidding Rules, Timing Rules (67:16)
11_ARIBA_Creation of RFP using own template, Reverse Auction Demo (64:46)
12_ARIBA_Dutch and Japanese Auctions Demo (57:40)
13_ARIBA_Introduction, Overview of Contract Life Cycle Management, Contract Management (59:26)
14_ARIBA_Demo of Contract Request, Creation of CW from Sourcing, Creation in User Interface (54:29)
15_ARIBA_Authoring, Outline view, Document Properties (52:02)
16_ARIBA_Overview by PPT, Message Board, contracts unique email ID (54:48)
17_ARIBA_Tasks, Phases, Conditions, Questions (56:52)
18_ARIBA_Publishing to Clause Library, Template Publish, CW creation, CLID, Amendments, Sent to external system (61:55)
19_ARIBA_Legacy Import, Project email template, Tree view of Hierarchy Contracts (47:55)
20_ARIBA_Supplier 360, Process flow, Partitioning of Supplier (54:10)
21_ARIBA_Supplier Request, Registration, Qualification templates (56:19)
22_ARIBA_Qualification, Preferred, Disqualification and SPM (54:12)
23_ARIBA_Import of Supplier, Supplier Contact, ERP Integration status, Deactivating Supplier (61:04)
24_ARIBA_Requisition, PR creation, Catalog Items Vs Non Catalog Items, PR Statusses (61:56)
25_ARIBA_Receiving, Negative GR, ReOpen of Order, Invoice types, Invoice, Invoice Reconciliation, Paying status (54:39)
26_ARIBA_Receiving types, Invoice Exceptions (53:49)
27_ARIBA_Approval Process, Adding Supervisor, Look up files, Nodes, Testing (60:32)
28_ARIBA_User Creation, Groups creation, Approvable document roles assignments, Transfer of ownership (60:19)
29_ARIBA_Data Dictionery and Sample Import of Master Data (50:21)
30_ARIBA_Reporting Manager (44:14)
31_ARIBA_Customisation Manager, ICM (52:17)
32_ARIBA_Catalog Manager (67:44)
33_ARIBA_Catalog Manager part 2, Different Projects, Support activities (53:14)
34_ARIBA_Working with Support, Intelligent Configuration, Certification (47:21)
35_ARIBA_Introduction to CIG, Interview Questions, Backend config (69:17)
36_SAP Ariba Cloud Integration (CIG) (63:30)
37_SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway-02 (54:39)
01_ARIBA_Ariba, SAP Acquisition, Saas Plaform, Licenses, Landing Page, Dash Board, User Self Service, User Profile approval flow, Tiles, Adding Content (57:59)
02_ARIBA_Sourcing Overview, Sourcing Request Vs Sourcing Project, Events, RFx, Sourcing Request Creation, Creating Sourcing Projecct from Sourcing Request. (55:32)
03_ARIBA_Create Sourcing Project from Sourcing Request, Creation of RFP (62:49)
04_ARIBA_RFP Publishing, Response as Supplier, Surrogate Bidder, Event Timing, Award, Award Email, Scenarios (61:41)
05_ARIBA_Template Creation, Statusses, Versions, Phases, Conditions, Questions, Document based approval tasks (68:10)
06_ARIBA_English, Japanese, Dutch Auctions, Selecting Auction format in Template, English Auction Sample (51:20)
07_ARIBA_Contracts Management, Life Cycle, Authoring, DFS vs ECA, Terms, Clause Library (57:30)
08_ARIBA_Main Agreement, Contract Addendum, Clause Library, ECA features (59:44)
09_ARIBA_CLID Creation, Sending to External System, Contract Terms, Contract Request Vs Contract, Contract Number, Release Order (65:11)
10_ARIBA_Questions, Conditions, Work flows process from Template (65:44)
11_ARIBA_SLP, SIPM VS SPM, Supplier Onboarding, Creation of Supplier (58:58)
12_ARIBA_Registration, Qualification, Preferred, Disqualification of a Supplier (42:53)
13_ARIBA_Supplier Performance Management, Recurrence, Templates, Score cards (50:39)
14_ARIBA_Import a supplier contacts, Supplier, Inactivating Supplier, Reactivating Supplier, Mass Invite, ERP Integration, Parameters, Working with Support on Connect Portal (84:58)
15_ARIBA_Overview of Buying and Invoicing, PR creation, PO creation, GR, GR Reversal, Searching Requistions, Purchase Orders in Ariba (55:44)
16_ARIBA_Invoice types, Invoice Reconcilation, Ok2files, Remittance Advice, Approvable Documents, Approval Process, Nodes, Serial, Parallel, Custom approval flow types, Approvable look up files, Watcher rules (65:08)
17_ARIBA_Filter Rules, Edit Rules, Reports - Prepackaged, Public and Personal WS, Creating Analytical Reports, Scheduling, Sending reports to email address, Report limitations (52:00)
18_ARIBA_Partioning Supplier, Invoice Exceptions, Receiving Types (59:14)
19_ARIBA_Site Manager, Data Download Dictionery, Integration Manager (48:36)
20_ARIBA_Importing a Catalog, Catalog Kits, Navigating Catalog Search (64:01)
21_ARIBA_Catalog Views, Hierarchy, Index Builder, Constraint, Export of Constraints (55:36)
22_ARIBA_Supplier Colloboration in PR, Situations requiring colloborations with Supplier, Screenshot of Supplier Colloboration, Approval flow for Pre-On-Post Colloboration process (43:04)
23_ARIBA_User, Other User Info, Groups, Delegation as administrator, Act as, Reset user password, Self Service menu for User Profile update, Delegation, User Profile Search, Data Import of User, User consolidated, User Group, Integration of Batch Import (54:54)
24_ARIBA_Sourcing Integration, Ariba Procurement Conent, Suite Integration, Network Integration (58:51)
25_ARIBA_Ariba connect, working with support, Priority levels, supplier support (44:38)
26_ARIBA_Interview Questions (56:36)
27_ARIBA_How to appear for SAP certification, Preparing for Certification, Activate Methodology, Different types of Projects Implementation, Support and Roll out (54:41)
00_ARIBA_Ariba Overview and Ariba Dashboard (User Interface) (138:18)
01_ARIBA_ Modules, User Interface, Upstream and Downstream (66:06)
02_ARIBA_Sourcing Quick Project, RFP (70:15)
03_ARIBA_Full Project Creation, Awarding, Tasks Completions, Scenarios (71:04)
04_ARIBA_RFI, Auction (64:04)
05_ARIBA_Sourcing Request - Autcion2, Sourcing Request, SR Template (64:39)
06_ARIBA_Template Creation, Documents, Task-ProjectDocument, Team Members, Conditions (71:58)
07_ARIBA_Sourcing Project Template, Task Creation by End User (71:38)
08_ARIBA_RFP with Price Breakdown (69:11)
09_ARIBA_RFP with Price Breakdown2 (70:02)
10_ARIBA_RFP with Total Cost, RFP with Price Breakdown (55:08)
11_ARIBA_Dutch Auction, Japanese Auction, Bid Transformation (56:34)
12_ARIBA_Contract Management - Overview, Contract Request, Contract Workspace, Terms, Attributes, CLM, Lifecycle, Parties, Types (63:33)
13_ARIBA_Contract Authoring, Clause Library, Main Agreement (74:27)
14_ARIBA_CLID, Sending to External System, Contract Terms, CR and C (64:03)
15_ARIBA_No Release Contracts, Receipt Based Invoicing, Auto Invoicing, Recurring Payments, Legacy contract zip file preparation (65:31)
16_ARIBA_Legacy Contracts, Doc based Tasks, Template Questions, Conditions, Import of Line Items in Contract terms (66:13)
17_ARIBA_Overview, SLP Process, Supplier 360, Single Template, Ariba Network, SLP VS SIPM, Creation of Supplier Request (55:28)
18_ARIBA_Supplier Creation, Supplier Registration (58:45)
19_ARIBA_Supplier Registration (65:32)
20_ARIBA_Qualification, Preferred Supplier (54:07)
21_ARIBA_Qualification, Preferred Supplier, SPM, Guided Sourcing UI (68:25)
22_ARIBA_SPM, Score Card and Survey, Phases, Recurrances, SM Admin, Import data, Parameters (68:38)
23_ARIBA_7 Procurement processes, PR creation (58:36)
24_ARIBA_Doubt Session (52:44)
25_ARIBA_Users, Groups, Custom Groups, Unlock User, Deactivate User, PR, Receipt, Invoice
AR111_EN_Col2108_Creating Events and Managing Projects
AR211_EN_Col2111_Creating Contracts with ECA
AR710_EN_Col2111_Sourcing System Administration
26_ARIBA_IR - Invoice Reconciliation, Approval Processes - IR reconciliation, Invoice Exceptions, Approvable Statusses, Approval Processes, Rules Config, Edit rules, Test Rules, Approvable look up tables (62:01)
27_ARIBA_Data Dictionary, Reports - Public, Prepackaged, Personal workspace, Creating Analytical Reports (60:29)
28_ARIBA_Catalog Manager, Import Catalog, CIF file, Kits, Generated Subscription (63:10)
29_ARIBA_Hierarchy, Validation, Commodity Code Manager, CEME file (57:25)
30_ARIBA_Exception, Tax Manager, Receiving Types by Commodity Code and Part numbers, Working with Support, Accessing help portal, Project Email Templates (66:31)
31_ARIBA_Projects, Integrations, Working with support, General topics (83:49)
Teach online with
Notes for Students - ARIBA
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