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"Micro Learnings" by Sastrageek Solutions
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Micro Learning Videos
Maintenance Planner Overview and it's usage in SAP S/4 Hana Conversion Project (11:30)
Overview of S/4 Hana Check Report for Conversion from ECC to S/4 Hana (4:58)
A Comprehensive Introduction to Conversion to S/4 HANA in SAP (7:27)
Overview of Pre Checks Required for S/4 Hana Conversion Project (3:38)
SAP NWBC User Interface and Role Concept (7:26)
S/4 HANA Simplification Check Reports Transition Insights (5:13)
Overview to SAP STO Process (Stock Transfer Order) (7:55)
Transfer Posting in SAP S/4 Hana with Different Movement Types (12:36)
SAP S/4 HANA Simplification Item Catalog Navigation (9:31)
Overview of SAP Intercompany Sales Process (5:50)
Example of issue faced during Conversion to S/4 Hana (6:56)
Unlocking the Power of Me Area Functionality in SAP S/4 HANA Fiori (1:59)
Overview of Conversion Help and Assets provided by SAP (3:40)
High Level Difference between Fiori, GUI & NWBC (1:40)
Ensuring a Smooth Transition SAP S/4 HANA Readiness Check (8:01)
Fiori Library within S/4 HANA Ecosystem (8:14)
Fiori Search Capabilities in SAP S/4 HANA Optimizing User Experience (8:27)
Demystifying Pipeline Materials in SAP S/4 HANA - A Comprehensive Overview (4:52)
Introduction to SAP TCode ME2O - Subcontracting Stock Monitoring (Vendor) (4:10)
Explanation of Accounting Entries in SAP Subcontracting Process (4:44)
Consignment Process with Planning - MM & PP Integration (9:01)
Mastering the End to End Sales and Distribution (SD) Process (8:11)
Functionality of code ME58 Ordering Assigned Requisitions (4:49)
How to Release a Transport Request Moving from Development to Quality Server (2:04)
Shipping Point in SAP S/4 HANA (1:49)
Mastering Transport Request Releases with SE01 in SAP S/4 HANA (7:26)
Product Sourcing _ Cost Breakdown Structure in SAP S/4 HANA (1:44)
Exploring the Latest Function s and Features in SAP S/4 HANA Enhancing Business Efficiency and Productivity (8:16)
Introduction to Advance Inter Company Process in SAP S/4 HANA (5:51)
Introduction to Advance Inter Company Sales Process in SAP S/4 HANA (6:57)
Introduction to Inter Company Sales Scenario in SAP S/4 HANA (2:31)
Mastering Advanced Inter Company Sales Scenarios in SAP S/4 HANA Boosting Business Synergy and Profitability (5:34)
Significance of Enterprise Structure in SAP S/4 HANA (9:04)
The Backbone of Procurement Excellence Exploring the Importance of Purchase Organization in SAP S/4 HANA (5:28)
The Crucial Role of Purchasing Groups Enhancing Procurement Efficiency and Collaboration in SAP S/4 HANA (4:41)
Goods Receipt _ Goods Issue and Backflush in SAP (3:28)
What is Sub Assembly in SAP S/4 HANA (1:44)
MD04_Stock Requirement List Explanation (6:31)
End to End Process for Production Planning in SAP S/4 HANA (11:26)
4 Key Points to Learn SAP S/4 HANA (2:26)
How to Indetifiy Technical Field and Tablefrom SAP Transaction (4:24)
How to Reach Configuration from the Transcation Screen (2:54)
Usage of SAP Tables in Functional Specifications (5:40)
How to Search Report Transaction in SAP S/4 HANA (3:49)
SAP Navigation and Menu Structure (5:18)
Future of SAP Consultant Job (2:08)
What do SAP mean by Intelligent Core (9:18)
Functions and Features in different SAP S4 HANA Versions (8:58)
What is SAP Best Practice Client (3:06)
What is client in SAP Enterprise Structure (12:07)
Comparison of different data Migration tools used in SAP (8:19)
Direct Transfer Approch in HANA Migration Cockpit (6:35)
What is BDC Approach in SAP & why it is not Recommended (4:57)
What is SLT (System Landscape Transformation) in SAP (3:40)
Uses of BODS in SAP Migration Projects (7:28)
Custom Fields in Hana Migration Cockpit (4:17)
Custom Table in Hana Migration Cockpit (4:49)
Architecture of HANA Migration Cockpit in SAP (5:58)
How the data cleansing can be done within the data Enrichment (4:13)
Tactics to Manage the SLA in the Support Project in SAP (2:48)
SAP PP Planning Strategy 10_Make to Stock (0:45)
SAP PP Planning Strategy 20_Make to order (0:46)
SAP PP Planning Strategy 11 (1:06)
SAP PP Planning Strategy 40 (2:14)
SAP PP Planning Strategy 50 (3:21)
What is the Item Catagory and Schdulle line catagory (3:33)
Why do we require different types Item Category (2:13)
What is Billing Relevance F in SAP SD (1:49)
What is Billing Relevance G in SAP SD (3:49)
Importance of Billing Relevance Configuration in SAP SD (1:23)
What do you mean by Transportation Lane & Transportation Zone (4:01)
Concept Business Partner Location in Transportation Management (2:54)
Incoterm Location Concept for Transport Planning for Export to Overseas (2:48)
Difference Between Resource & Means of Transport (5:10)
Kinds of Resource in Transportation Management (1:37)
Definition of Mode of Transportation (4:23)
What do you mean by Transportation Lanes in SAP TM (3:04)
Transportation Planing in SAP TM (1:55)
Different types of Transportation Lanes in SAP TM (2:23)
Define Transportation Lane in Transportation Management System (2:07)
Detrmination of the Priority and Carrier in TM System (3:22)
Configuration of Strategy for Carrier Priority Determination in TM System (4:49)
What is Tendering Process in SAP TM (1:10)
Training Recomended for Techno Functional Consultant and Solution Architect (0:51)
Internship Program in MM with MM Excelency and job in Mastery (1:48)
Path to Be a Solution Architect (1:16)
What the Reason Behind not Getting Interview calls (1:37)
Advice to SAP Super User Wants to Be a SAP Consultant (1:43)
How to Get in EWM Projects (2:27)
5 Key Steps to be Switch in SAP as Consultant (1:26)
Key Points Need to Consider During Knowledge Transfer After get in to a SAP Project (1:09)
What Required To Be SAP Quality Management Consultant (0:55)
Suggestion for Seniors & Retire Persion having good SAP Experience (1:13)
What is Rebate (4:06)
Settlement Management (5:16)
What is Settlement Management (5:16)
Impact of Conversion on Rebate Agreement (4:54)
What is Delta Accrual (2:27)
What is Delta Settlement (3:15)
What is Classic MRP in SAP Production Planing (2:55)
What is MRP Live in SAP Production Planing (4:48)
What is Stock net off between Plant (3:02)
What is Sourcing and Procurement in SAP (5:59)
Different Solutions from SAP (3:29)
Dont use Simplification List (3:10)
Concept of Version in SAP (2:38)
Difference Between FPS & SPS (3:22)
SAP Best Practices (2:46)
What is New in Fiori Application Library (1:47)
What is HANA & S/4 HANA (0:52)
What's New Viwer (0:38)
Job Searching & Upgread your Skills Continuous Process (2:36)
Concept of IS Retails (1:08)
Important Point to get in SAP Jobs (2:39)
Learning of Advanced Module Like TM (1:06)
Learning of CS (1:25)
SAP Job mastery & Implementation Project (1:23)
SAP Job mastery & Implementation Project (1:24)
Concept of Roll-out Project (1:12)
S/4 HANA Quality Management (1:08)
Shortlist of SAP Modules (1:44)
S/4 HANA Sourcing & Procurement Mastery (1:38)
SAP FICO Job Opportunities (1:57)
How Can help SAP Ariba Course (1:23)
FICO Integration (1:03)
Inventory Management Fiori Application (6:58)
Multiple Material Stock Overview (3:50)
Way of Transfer Stock from one Plant to other Plant (2:06)
Movement of Stock with Reservation (1:28)
Material Document Overview (5:39)
Transfer Stock to Block Stock (5:32)
What is WIP (Work in Process) (3:37)
Activate 40 Characters (6:08)
Document Related to Material Length Extention (1:45)
Batch Management Change (7:14)
Material Number Conversion (5:58)
What is Principle of One in SAP S/4 HANA (4:58)
Customer Vendor Linkage with Business Partner (8:56)
Why SAP has Adopted Business Partner (5:50)
Business Partner Mandatory in Conversion ECC to S/4 HANA (3:23)
What is CVI Upgrade Check Resolve in SAP (3:29)
Post Conversion Steps in SAP S/4 HANA (2:17)
What is third Party Process in SAP SD (3:15)
How Product Allocation is done in SAP SD (1:17)
Delivery Type Configurations (2:02)
Purpose of Delivery Creation (3:52)
What is Returnable Packaging Material (3:29)
What is Delivery Split & Delivery Combination in SD (2:10)
Why Delivery Split would be in SD (2:42)
Delivery Split with the Partner in SAP SD (1:17)
What is the stock determination process in SAP SD (2:15)
What is ATP (Available to Promise) (5:50)
Overview of SAP aATP (5:30)
What is Back order Processing in SAP (7:33)
What is Product Allocation and Where is it Used (4:58)
What is Supply Protection in SAP (3:19)
What is Output Management in SAP MM (8:08)
What is Decision Tables in SAP (7:52)
Explanation of various decision tables in SAP S/4 HANA (2:21)
Manage Production Order Fiori Application (4:20)
Convert Planned Order (2:27)
New Quotation Process in SAP MM (2:52)
Classic Quotation Process V/s New Quotation Process (2:20)
What are the Challenges in Classic Quotation Process (3:22)
New Quotation Process in S/4 HANA (3:27)
Process for Purchase Requisition for RFQ (1:51)
What is Shipping Condition in SAP (2:52)
What is Proof of Delivery in SAP (2:40)
Partner Functions in SAP - Essential Roles and Importance (3:35)
What is Partner Functions in SAP (1:59)
What is Customer Groups & why it is required (3:40)
How Customer Group Description Change in SAP (2:09)
What is Customer Unloading Points & Shipping Calendar in SAP (3:33)
Calendar Settings - SAP Documentation (1:41)
Understanding CMIR (Customer Material Info Record) and Its Purpose (2:09)
Uses of CMIR (Customer Material info Record) (3:05)
Flexible Fiori Workflow (2:54)
How to Manage Workflow in Fiori (3:47)
Condition need to be maintained to define a workflow (6:06)
Stage Approval Work Flow of PO Release (5:35)
Auto Approval of Purchase Order (4:31)
Steps to Create PO Approval Work Flow (3:59)
BADI to Introduce Extra Fields for Change Triggers & Manage Responsibilities (11:54)
Manage Workflow for Purchase Order in Fiori (7:12)
Exceptional Handling in SAP S/4 HANA (2:18)
The Role of Procurement Department and Its Significance in SAP (6:22)
SAP Implementation Project Requirements (6:43)
Basic Concepts of Pipeline Procurement in SAP MM (SAP S/4 HANA Sourcing and Procurement) (8:44)
What is Vendor Consignment Process in SAP MM (SAP S/4 HANA Sourcing and Procurement) (2:44)
Basics of Logistic Integration Profile in SAP TM (Transportation Management) (2:41)
What is Stages in SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) (1:40)
SAP S/4 HANA & TM Integration Configuration (2:40)
What is Standalone Scenario in SAP TM (Transportation Management) (2:08)
Pre sales activity (Inquiry quotation) in SAP S/4 HANA SD vs C4C (6:55)
Overview of SAP Sales order processing in SAP S/4 HANA Sales (SAP SD) (5:27)
What is schedule line confirmation in SAP S/4 HANA Sales (SAP SD) (3:36)
Overview of order fulfillment and billing process in SAP S/4 HANA Sales (SAP SD) (3:16)
Purchase Requisitions Creation in SAP S/4 HANA Sourcing and procurement (SAPMM) (2:27)
Shall we create Purchase Requisition purchase order with material or without material in SAP MM (Sourcing and Procurement) (7:04)
Differentiating MRP Generated vs Manual Purchase Requisitions in SAP S/4 HANA Sourcing and procurement (SAP MM) (1:29)
What is Vendor Confirmation in SAP MM (SAP S/4 HANA Sourcing and Procurement) (3:14)
What is optimized inventory and how it can be achieved with SAP DDMRP in SAP PP (1:54)
MTO vs MTS (Make to Order vs Make to Stock in SAP Production Planning) (5:25)
DDMRP Process in SAP S/4 HANA Production Planning (4:48)
Overview or deletation flag indicator in Vendor Master data in SAP S/4 HANA Sourcing and procurement (SAP MM) (2:46)
What is partner function in SAP S/4 HANA Sourcing and procurement (SAP MM).mp4 (3:47)
The Need of Custom Partner Function in SAP S/4 HANA Sourcing and procurement (SAP MM) (3:07)
Importance of Plant level data maintenance for vendors in SAP S/4 HANA Sourcing and procurement (SAP MM).mp4 (2:36)
What is Vendor Sub Range & Why do we require in SAP S/4 HANA Sourcing and procurement (SAP MM) (5:02)
What is SAP Customer service Module (SAP CS) (9:07)
Plant Maintenance vs customer services in SAP (4:35)
Who Can Learn SAP Customer Services Module (SAP CS) (6:56)
The Vital Role of Planning Strategies for SAP PP Consultants (2:27)
What is RICEFW in SAP (5:15)
Different Roles in SAP Project (2:33)
SAP CDS View and Its Usages (5:29)
What is Readiness Check in SAP S/4 HANA (3:27)
Understanding the Work Center and Cost Center Relationship in SAP S/4 HANA (5:53)
Importance of Item Category Configuration and usages in SAP SD (9:19)
How to Use Internal and External Numbers in SAP S/4 HANA SD (2:54)
What is SAP BW (Business Warehouse) System & its Usages (3:46)
What is SAP Simple Finance (3:36)
What is Central Finance in SAP S/4 HANA (2:36)
Which SAP Module Should i Learn to get High Salary Package (3:28)
How to Sustain and Succeed as a SAP Consultant in Implementation Project (4:05)
PIR Consumption in Planning Strategy 10 (2:52)
What is Quota Arrangement in SAP S/4 HANA (2:51)
What is Batch Determination in SAP Production Planning (3:52)
What is MRP (Material Requirements Planning) (6:16)
Two Step Approach in SAP - How It Works and Why It Matters (4:40)
Inbound Delivery in SAP MM (Sourcing & Procurement) Benefits & Implementation Challenges (15:47)
What is Data Footprint in SAP S/4 HANA & How to Optimize (2:57)
What is Readiness Check in SAP S/4 HANA (3:27)
What is RICEFW in SAP (5:15)
What is DDMRP (Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning) in SAP PP (2:30)
How SAP MM01 Factors Impact Material Master Creation (3:52)
Data Footprint in SAP S4 HANA (1:46)
Utilizing legacy data for enhanced reporting in SAP S/4 HANA greenfield implementation (5:08)
Exploring Conversion Projects in SAP S/4 HANA (8:43)
What is ERP and where does SAP Fit in (7:23)
Modules and Streams in SAP (5:44)
Career Opportunities in SAP (25:49)
Key Characteristic Companies are looking for in SAP Candidates (6:23)
4 Keys to Launch Your Career in SAP (14:29)
SAP Career Q&A Everything - You Need to Know about SAP Career (120:21)
How Cost Centers and Work Centers are Connect in SAP Production Planning S/4 HANA (6:24)
Role of Master Data Governance (MDG) in master data maintenance of SAP S/4 HANA (4:29)
Master data maintenance during SAP Implementation Projects (7:28)
Role of BODS and other automation tools to transfer data during SAP Implementation projects (6:46)
What is FIFO & FEFO in SAP Batch Management (2:36)
MB56_Batch Management Report in SAP S/4 HANA (2:28)
Starting your career as a SAP end User (4:24)
Differentiating RICEFW and Gap Analysis Documents in SAP (3:19)
How to Kickstart Your Career as an SAP CO Consultant (3:01)
Core Users in SAP S/4HANA-Key Roles and Responsibilities (14:18)
How to Build Career as s SAP Solution Architect (3:26)
Choosing SAP Rollout Projects for Your CV (10:39)
Inbound & Outbound Idoc in 3PL Integration in SAP (3:45)
SAP MM vs PP Which Module is Right for You (3:59)
Importance of Different Data Layers in the HANA Database (10:24)
Difference between SAP Meta dock and Meta dock Extract (5:03)
How Enable now used in SAP Projects (3:59)
Where do we use External Number Ranges in SAP S/4 HANA (3:53)
Uses of Sandbox System in SAP (2:14)
What is Feature Pack Stacks (FPS) in SAP S/4 HANA (3:42)
How SAP S/4 HANA Conversion Project can be Simplified with pre-project Approach (5:22)
Shall I Learn SAP ECC first or Shall I Directly Learn SAP S/4 HANA (2:36)
Tips and Tricks to Compensate your SAP Career Gap (2:23)
Why one should not go for SAP fake Experience (2:50)
Is Career gap a black dot in profile (1:30)
Who Would be become a SAP Solution Architect (2:19)
What is Planning in SAP (7:53)
Who can Learn SAP IBP (Integrated Business Planning) (3:22)
Why Being Flexible in SAP Can Boost Your Career (1:45)
How I Restarted My Career After a Gap – A Real Story (2:21)
What is SAP BTP (Business Technology Platform) (6:02)
Strategy 10 - Make to Order (MTO) in SAP PP (1:36)
MTO vs MTS in SAP Production Planning - Key Differences Explained (7:14)
Concept of MAT Doc & MAT Doc- Extract in SAP S/4 HANA (5:11)
Concept of Index in SAP S/4 HANA (5:51)
What is System Consolidation Scenario in SAP S/4 HANA (7:31)
Moving to S/4 HANA Greenfield vs Conversion – Which Approach is Right for You (2:38)
What is Hybrid or Gray field Scenario in SAP S/4 HANA (7:28)
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