01_AATP_SAP aATP vs ATP and back order processing

AATP and Back Order Processing Basics

parminder singh discussed the basics of AATP and the concept of back order processing, a feature crucial for the system's operations. He clarified that the process prioritizes high-priority customers when stock is unavailable, with two different transactions involved, 'RA' and 'V2'. parminder singh stressed the importance of product availability checks during sales order creation and the necessity of back order processing for maintaining business operations. Vijaya Lakshmi also contributed to the discussion.

Sales Orders, ATP Quantity, and Delivery Date Communication

parminder singh discussed the concept of ATP quantity in the context of sales orders, using examples to illustrate how sales orders affect the available stock. He highlighted the importance of accurate delivery date communication to customers and confirmed that they can confirm future sales orders if they have the capacity to meet these demands. Towards the end, mohammed inayath siraj suggested flipping certain orders, which was discussed further by parminder singh and Mohammed.

Sales Order Confirmation and Prioritization

parminder singh and mohammed inayath siraj discussed the importance of back order processing and rescheduling for confirming sales orders. They clarified the two principles in ATP - cumulative calculation and net calculation, and how they affect confirmation of sales orders. parminder singh presented a scenario of multiple sales orders, emphasizing the importance of understanding the status of each order. The discussion also focused on the confirmation process based on requested delivery dates, with Parminder suggesting confirmation up to July due to stock availability. They also discussed the allocation of stocks, proposing a dynamic priority system based on requested delivery dates. The potential loss of revenue if delivery deadlines are not met was highlighted, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to prioritization.

E-Commerce Delivery Prioritization Discussed

parminder singh discussed the importance of prioritizing delivery based on various factors such as sales organization, division, and distribution channel, particularly with the rise of e-commerce. He emphasized the need to give priority to e-commerce orders to meet delivery timelines and prevent order returns. Singh highlighted the challenges faced due to the use of custom code in their business process, stating that it becomes difficult to decipher and modify over time. He suggested that direct confirmation and automatic rescheduling should be done in the production system rather than manually and introduced the concept of bucket strategies in the advanced back order processing system. Singh concluded by stating that the system needs the right business logic to allocate orders to the appropriate priority bucket.

Back Order Processing Feature Discussion

parminder singh discussed the back order processing feature introduced in 2016, which is now stable and widely adopted by businesses. He also mentioned the use of the advanced ATP transaction code for certain materials and the importance of checking a specific note. Vijaya Lakshmi raised questions about the 'skip strategy' and the confirmation status for the back order, which parminder singh promised to answer in the next session. A 10-minute break was announced before continuing the discussion.

Sales Order Handling and Inventory Management Strategies

parminder singh discussed the system's strategies for handling sales orders and managing inventory. He explained that the system categorizes sales orders into different buckets, such as 'win', 'gain', 'improve', 'redistribute', 'lose', and 'skip'. He clarified that once confirmed, the system does not reduce already confirmed quantities. He also discussed the 'gain' strategy, which aims to increase confirmation quantities and can provide future dates for confirmation. parminder singh emphasized that not all strategies are necessary to fulfill business requirements, as they've successfully completed projects using a single strategy. He also outlined the 'fill' strategy, where the system tries to maintain a certain level of inventory by reducing from other areas as required. Lastly, he promised to go into more detail about the 'skip' strategy in a future session.

Sales Order Processing and Delivery Strategies

There was a detailed discussion on strategies related to sales order processing and delivery. parminder singh suggested that sales orders could be redistributed based on requested delivery dates, with the closest date given priority. He also introduced the concept of grouping customers into tiers or priority levels, with diamond customers given the highest priority. The dynamic nature of these strategies was highlighted, with the priority of an order changing as the delivery date approaches. The discussion also clarified that the system can handle partial quantity confirmations based on certain indicators in the master data and sales order. A question was raised about the possibility of re-allocating a deal after the VOP is processed, which parminder singh confirmed as possible.

System Access and Availability Check Activation

parminder singh discussed the process of overriding a decision and the importance of activating the availability check groups in the system. He clarified that an advanced ATP license, if in use, must be made active within the checking group. The team also discussed the latest release of their system and the configuration of the Availability Chat group, which needed to be activated in advance. parminder singh emphasized the need to define the scope of the ATP check and the importance of having the correct role to access an application. He also advised attendees to ensure they have system access and that additional system access could be purchased if needed. mohammed inayath siraj added that the availability check and requirements, as well as the check without replenishment lead time, needed to be activated for the back order to work. They also agreed to exclude best practices and replenishment lead time for the VOP to be active and real-time.

Back Order Processing and System Logic Explanation

parminder singh discussed back order processing, focusing on the creation of a configure VOP segment. He emphasized the mandatory steps and explained the configuration of the supply sort rule. He also explained how to group requirements using business logic and demonstrated the creation of a segment using the SGS 2 low priority. He further discussed the utilization of character 6 in a character 6 catalog and the importance of checking the availability of fields for business logic. He highlighted the flexibility and customization options available in their system, emphasizing the importance of understanding the system's logic and syntax. Towards the end, he confirmed that he would create one or two segments in the next session for further exploration.

Sales Priority and Custom Sort Sequence

parminder singh discussed the importance of setting priorities and exclusions in the sales organization, emphasizing the need for a high delivery priority and no blocks within the next seven days. He also introduced the concept of a custom sort sequence for customers and suggested the possibility of creating additional selection criteria linked with the initial ones. Towards the end, parminder singh confirmed that the next session would focus on assigning these segments to buckets and running a back order processing. mohammed inayath siraj suggested considering the delivery priority as normal for the medium priority, which Parminder confirmed. Indrajit Dey inquired about obtaining the recording of the first session, which Parminder confirmed he would receive upon enrollment.

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