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ABAP on HANA Curriculum
01_29-07-24_HANA_Hana introduction (144:11)
02_30-07-24_HANA_Hana new syntax (91:32)
03_31-07-24_ABAP_Hana cds view Part-1 (96:11)
04_01-08-24_ABAP_Hana cds view Part-2 (99:05)
05_02-08-24_ABAP_Badi and Revision (116:21)
06_05-08-24_ABAP_Adobe forms (118:26)
07_06-08-24_ABAP_OData Part - 1 (78:45)
08_07-08-24_ABAP_OData Part - 2 (83:01)
09_09-08-24_ABAP_Amdp (98:22)
10_12-08-24_ABAP_Ooalv (83:28)
11_13-08-24_ABAP_debugging , workflow and bopf (110:54)
12_14-Aug-24_ABAP_Advanced debugging, Watch point, Queue monitoring, Fiori and UI5 overview (116:23)
Introduction to SAP HANA
01_ABAP_Hana and Abap on Hana introduction and types of projects (76:39)
02_ABAP_Types of Projects in ABAP on Hana & S4 ABAP on Hana (67:37)
03_ABAP_Introduction of migration project (66:19)
04_ABAP_Hana studio introduction using prospective and Checking database tables in hana (61:33)
05_ABAP_How find the custom tables_ How to replicate table data into hana database (66:09)
06_ABAP_Working with Sap Hana admin console for other database table replication (64:00)
07_ABAP_Native SQL operation in hana (63:07)
08_ABAP_Date functions and string operations in native SQL (64:36)
09_ABAP_ Introduction of Creating calculation view in sap Hana modeler prospective (67:14)
10_ABAP_Creating calculation view using dynamic case and static case (33:16)
11_ABAP_Calculation view using input parameters and join introduction (45:35)
12_ABAP_Calculation view using joins with standard sap tables . (61:56)
13_ABAP_ADBC part -1 (68:18)
14_ABAP_ADBC part -2 (67:21)
15_ABAP_Sys_Bic implementation and calling calculation view with joins via ADBC (64:24)
16_ABAP_External view creation and implementation to cal the hana calculation view (59:39)
17_ABAP_Creating stored procedure and implementation of the stored procedure and calling into ADBC (62:53)
18_ABAP_1- HTC_ 2- HTA (47:52)
19_ABAP_Parameters, constants (58:11)
20_ABAP_Introduction of CDs views,Creating normal cds view and implementing via Abap pg (67:54)
21_ABAP_ 1 - CDs views using joins Normal, 2 - CDS view using static case... (64:25)
22_ABAP_Cds view using joins, Creating and implementing via Abap pg (62:16)
23_ ABAP_1 Cds view using multiple params with joins. , 2. Extended cds view. (69:31)
24_ABAP_Introduction of AMDP and creating AMDP. (52:14)
25_ABAP_AMDP and Cds association view creation and implementation in ABAP PG (57:51)
26_ABAP_Cds table function creation and implementation in ABAP pg (53:40)
27_ABAP_Alv with Ida part 1 (40:26)
28_ABAP_Alv with Ida using fieldcatlog properties, Generating button using alv with Ida, Adding and removing standard functions, Creating table is s4abap on Hana using native SQL (71:23)
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