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Mastery to Excellence SAP S/4 HANA EWM (Extended Warehouse Management)
First Section
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EWM - Telegram group Link
Assignment Submission Document
Assignment Submission Process
The Extended Warehouse Management System
01_EWM_ Warehouse layouts, Terminology and basic concepts to kick start EWM Learning (147:55)
Basic Settings for SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA
EWM Structure
02_EWM_S4 org and EWM org structure . (155:41)
03_EWM_EWM Organization Structure and Landscape Settings between ERP and EWM (148:36)
Master Data
04_EWM_Erp-integration checks, Availability Group concepts , Creation of master data (vendor and material ) for simple inbound process. (166:02)
Warehouse Document Type
05_EWM_ERP-EWM mapping documents , creation of Warehouse Process Type (WPT), Creation of Storage Types and creation of Bins for Simple inbound process (162:35)
Inbound Processing
06_EWM_EWM Simple Inbound process , Inbound delivery document types , Putaway strategies, Storage Type search Sequence (STSS) , Putaway controls and creation of Packing materials and packing configuration. (159:44)
07_EWM_Running simple inbound process test scenarios for packing and repacking| Handling units| EWM complex inbound process by POSC | Business processes (129:26)
Document - HU Management
Document - Complex Inbound Process
Complex Inbound Process by POSC
Complex inbound process steps - configuration n including decons and VAS
08_EWM_Master Data and Configuration (167:26)
09_EWM_EWM complex inbound process by POSC & Configuration Activity and activity areas approach, Bin Sorting , determination of Deconsolidation, and Automatic Door determination. (159:10)
10_EWM_Complex inbound process by POSC - Preparing and Running (testing SIT ) several test scenarios. (142:13)
11_EWM_Complex inbound process by POSC - Value added services (VAS) - Business case , Design, Implement and test part -1 (169:53)
12_EWM_Complex inbound process by POSC - Value added services (VAS) - Business case , Design, Implement and test part -2 (152:51)
13_EWM_VAS- Running SIT Test (154:49)
Layout Oriented Storage control(LOSC) - Complex Inbound Process by COMBINATION OF POSC + LOSC
14_EWM_LOSC- Business case , Design, Implement and test. Combination of POSC+LOSC - Done test case for complex inbound process including Decons and VAS (169:56)
Exception Handling
15_Exception Handling - Discussed several Business cases , Config and Tested for Complex Inbound Process inlcuding POSC +LOSC and exception codes (139:28)
16_EWM_Perfomed End to End complex inbound process (PSOC+LOSC) using Excpetion codes (135:44)
RF Frame Work and Resource Management
17_. EWM_RF Frame Work and Resource Management - Perfomed End to End complex inbound process (PSOC+LOSC) using RFUI (166:01)
Transportation Unit
18_EWM_Perfomed End to End complex inbound process (PSOC+LOSC) using TU and RFUI- Dicussed TU impin ortance and TU configuration and creating Inboound delivery and assinging TU and performed unloading & deco in RFUI. (169:13)
Post Processing Framework (PPF)
19_EWM_Post Processing Framework (PPF) - AUTO-WT-Creation configuration and PPF Importances and explained PPF applications ,Gone thorugh (120:56)
PPF-Implementation of HU Receiving Lable
20_EWM_PPF-Implementation of HU Receiving Lable (151:50)
EWM Outbound Process
21_EWM_Simple Outbound Process ( S4 config and EWM Config) (121:10)
22_EWM_Simple Outbound Process ( S4 config and EWM Config) (150:16)
Simple Outbound Process
Complex Outbound Process
23_Complex Outbound Process ( S4 config and EWM Config), Buiness Process ( Stand , Rush , VED RET, KITTinng ), WOCR, POSC, Storage Proces (OUTB), Outbound Packing WC, Outbound Staging , and Outbound Door det (167:57)
24_Complex Outbound Process ( EWM Config), Pick HU, Pick HU Pack spec, Generic Pick HU, STSS Stock Removal, Activity Area for Pick, WOCR, TU (152:56)
25_EWM_Complex Outbound Process -SIT End to End with TU (Failed loading WTs ) (167:50)
26_EWM_Complex Outbound Process -SIT End to End (Without TU) and Complex of complex Inbound Process with TU -SIT -End to End (172:19)
Complex Inbound Process
Wave Management for Outbound Process
27_EWM_Wave Management , Business Process, Design, Develop and Testing (Validation) , End to End SIT (159:34)
28_EWM_Wave Management for Outbound Process (along with POSC +LOSC) + Resource Mangement + Process Codes +Exception Handling , End to End SIT Iincluding TU ( PICKING, PACKING , STAGING , LOADING ( FAILED) AND PGI'd) (177:13)
Outbound Process
29_EWM_Outbound Processs- Printing Configuration for WO, Start HU Label (Pick), Ship HU Label and Content HU Label (127:26)
30_EWM_Outbound Processs- Grief ( Cancellation_Reverse process ODO from TU and GI-End to End SIT ) (139:13)
EWM Physical Inventory
31_EWM Physcial Inventory -Business Process (173:45)
32_EWM Physcial Inventory - Design, Develop, Implement and Testing (123:54)
33_EWM Physcial Inventory - SIT (169:03)
SAP EWM Cross-Docking-Config
34_SAP EWM Cross-Docking-Testing (154:43)
35_SAP EWM Cross-Docking-Testing, EWM Replenishment - Design, Develop, Implement and Testing (176:45)
SAP EWM Replenishment-Config
36_SAP EWM Replenishment - Design, Develop, Implement and Testing (120:39)
37_SAP_EWM_Scrapping_Process - Design, Develop, Implement and Testing & EWM Batch Management (151:00)
38_SAP EWM Yard Management (143:36)
EWM-QM inspection
39_QM_EWM-QM inspection (145:20)
Advanced Topics
40_EWM_Overvierw Serializtaion (150:51)
41_SAP_EWM_Scrapping_Process - Design, Develop, Implement and Testing & EWM Batch Management (151:02)
42_EWM_Scrapping_Process - Design, Develop, Implement and Testing & EWM Batch Management (150:13)
43_EWM_SAP EWM-Advanced PP integration (308:03)
44_EWM_ End to End SAP EWM - Advanced Production integration System Integration Testing ( SIT) (123:50)
S/4HANA Embedded Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) Overview
40_SUC_Business Partner Overview (135:09)
Important SAP EWM Tables
SAP® Extended Warehouse Management in SAP S/4HANA 2022 – What’s New
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01_EWM_ Warehouse layouts, Terminology and basic concepts to kick start EWM Learning
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