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Gamifier Mastery S/4 Hana Sourcing Procurement (MM)
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Detailed Schedule of Gamifier Batch
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Jan_2025_Gamifier Mastery S&P (SAP MM)
00_22-12-24_MM_How to Start Your Career as a SAP MM Consultant (SAP MM DEMO) (145:23)
01_05-01-25_SAP Workshop - A Comprehensive Overview Of SAP (190:24)
02_12-01-25_SAP Navigation Workshop (168:04)
03_18-01-2024_What is Sourcing & Procurement (149:25)
04_25-01-2025_Business Partner (162:33)
05_26_01_2025_MM_Enterprise Structure (103:37)
06_02-02-2025_MM_Material Master (137:31)
07_08_02_2025_MM_Vendor Master Data (131:22)
08_09-02-2025_Other master data (161:27)
09_15-02-2025_MM_Vendor Master Data Part 2 (147:33)
10_16-02-25_MM_ Auto Account determination (144:24)
11_22-02-25_MM-PP_MRP (156:23)
12_23-02-25_MM_Indirect Procurement (186:30)
13_01-03-25_MM-PP_MRP-2 (108:20)
14_MM_02-03-2025_Release strategy (162:41)
15_PP-MM-SD_01-03-2025_Batch Management (148:23)
16_08-03-25_MM-PP_MRP-3 (140:52)
00_08-09-24_MM_How to Start Your Career as a SAP MM Consultant (145:17)
01-14.09.24_3-hour SAP workshop - Comprehensive Overview of SAP for Beginners (200:50)
02_15-09-2024_SAP Navigation Workshop (165:43)
03_21-09-24_MM_SAP End to End Cycle (172:18)
04_22-09-24_MM_Enterprise Structure (137:41)
05_28-09-2024_MM_Material Master (111:37)
06_29-09-2024_Business_Partner (161:24)
07_05-10-24_MM_Material and Vendor (Supplier) Master Data (163:29)
Assignment_Material and Vendor (Supplier) Master Data
08_06-10-24_MM_Material Type Config (37:58)
09_19-10-24_MM_Pipeline Procurement and Vendor Consignment (152:10)
Assignment_Pipeline Procurement and Vendor Consignment
10_20-10-24_MM_Other Master Data (148:13)
11_19-10-24_PP_Material Requirement Planning (MRP) (141:52)
12_26-10-24_Sub-Contacting (139:07)
13_27-10-24_MM_Quota Arrangement & Automatic Account Determination (215:59)
14_28-10-2024_MRP - 02 (121:02)
15_02-11-2024_MM_Indirect Procurement (105:47)
16_03-11-2024_MM_Release strategy (122:46)
17_09-11-2024_MM_Stock Transfer Order (181:58)
18_10-11-2024_MM_Pricing Procedure (136:27)
19_16-11-2024_MM_Output Management (85:43)
20_17-11-2024_MM_Batch Management (158:02)
21_23-11-2024_MM_Physical Inventory (127:23)
22_24-11-24_MM_Physical Inventory (54:59)
23_30-11-24_MM_Vendor Confirmations (158:18)
24_07-12-24_MM_Invoice Verification (153:50)
25_08-12-24_MM_Outline Agreements (89:30)
01_MM_PP_SD_FICO_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects. (144:51)
02_MM_PP_SD_FICO_ Business Process & Object Required (149:06)
03_MM_PP_ SD_FICO_Sap navigation with tips and tricks to use sap screen (158:26)
04_PP_SD_FICO_MM_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation (152:45)
05_19-05-2024-System Landscape and Project Phases (107:01)
06_22-05-24_MM_Procure to Pay Process (163:23)
07_26-05-2024_MM_Enterprise Structure (132:02)
08_29-05-24_MM_Material Master + Target Setting (146:10)
09_02-06-24_Material type config, Field selection config, Quota arrangement (100:45)
10_05-06-24_MM_Business Partner Master Data (135:34)
Assignment_Business Partner Master Data
11_SD-MM-04-06-2024- Business Partner (117:53)
12_12-06-24_MM_consignment and pipe line procurement (131:22)
Assignment_12-06-24_MM_consignment and pipe line procurement
13_16-06-24_MM_Other Master Data (130:08)
14_19-06-24_MM_MRP Part1 (129:12)
15_25-06-24_MM_Automatic account determination (127:15)
16_26-06-24_MM_MRP part 2 (131:35)
17_30-06-24_MM_Indirect Procurement (115:43)
18_03-07-24_MM_Order confirmation and acknowledgment (102:35)
19_07-07-24_MM_Release Strategy (110:01)
20_PP_08-07-24_Batch Management (129:02)
21_10-07-24_MM_PP_MM subcontracting (114:58)
22_15-07-24_MM_Pricing Procedure (109:51)
23_26-07-24_MM_Output Management (90:35)
24_27-07-24_MM_STO (Stock Transport Order) (147:03)
25_28-07-24_MM_Service Procurement (75:25)
26_31-07-24_MM_Logistics Invoice Verification (175:32)
27_04-08-24_MM_Physical Inventory (138:38)
28_11-08-24_MM_Outline agreement (110:06)
01_MM_PP_SD_FICO_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects. (139:47)
02_MM_PP_SD_FICO_ Business Process & Object Requried (194:33)
03_PP_SD_FICO_MM_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation (111:41)
04_MM_PP_ SD_FICO_Sap navigation with tips and tricks to use sap screen (149:25)
05_MM_SD_PP_FICO_ Enterprice Structure (144:52)
06_MM_SD_PP_FICO_ Enterprice Structure Part -2 (168:52)
07_MM_End to End MM process (123:38)
Assignment - P2P Cycle
08_MM_Enterprise structure and Material Master (124:58)
09_MM_S&P End to End scenario and goal setting (122:11)
10_MM_Material Master (156:01)
11_MM_Vendor consignment and pipeline Procurement (143:53)
12_MM_Other Master Data (PIR, Source List, Quota) (136:43)
13_MM_Vendor Confirmation (103:31)
14_MM_Automatic Account Determination (155:53)
15_PP_MRP (133:43)
16_MM_Subcontracting (123:18)
17_MM_Indirect Procurement (115:55)
Assignment_Indirect Procurement
18_MM_Release Strategy (129:02)
19_MM_Pricing Procedure (142:30)
20_MM_Physical Inventory (134:53)
21_MM_Service Procurement (117:06)
22_MM_Output Management (108:28)
23_MM_Outline agreement (77:06)
24_PP_Batch Management (129:21)
25_MM_STO (Stock Transport Order) (166:19)
26_MM_Logistic invoice verification (157:40)
01_PP_MM_SD_FICO_10 Reasons Why People Fail to Start a Career in SAP (171:07)
02_MM_PP_SD_FICO_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects. (164:04)
03_MM_SD_PP_FICO_SAP landscape, projects and Phases (146:09)
04_PP_SD_FICO_MM_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation (150:55)
05_PP_SD_FICO_SAP Products , Navigation and System Set up (143:12)
06_PP_MM_FICO_SD_SAP Products , Navigation and SAP tables (146:01)
07_MM_Procure to Pay Cycle (152:37)
08_MM_Business Partner Overview (145:46)
09_MM_Release Strategy (132:27)
10_MM_Enterprise Structure (143:39)
11_MM_Procurement special processes (150:29)
12_MM_MRP (145:19)
13_PIR, Source list and Quota arrangement (151:34)
14_MM_Vendor Confirmations (133:40)
15_MM_Indirect Procurement (152:48)
16_MM_Service_Procurement_and_General_Procurement_configuration (119:57)
17_PP_MRP Part - 2 (176:39)
18_MM_Pipeline Procurement and Consignment Procurement (136:18)
19_MM_Output Management (91:39)
20_MM_Sub Contracting Process (142:19)
21_MM_OutPut Management and Service Procurement (137:43)
22_S4 Hana Master Data & Batch Management Changes (180:41)
23_SD_29Oct_Third Party Process (93:34)
24_SD_Stock Transfer (159:55)
25_MM_Account Determination (142:31)
26_MM_Physical Inventory (131:43)
27_MM_Vendor Return (105:02)
28_MM_Logistics Invoice Verification (144:52)
29_MM_Pricing Procedure (119:41)
01_MM,SD,FICO,PP_Sap S4 HANA Architecture and Business Process Integration (149:02)
02_SD,MM,PP,FICO Objects to map business Processes, SAP Landscape , Product Journey and Project Phases and Different Roles. (184:40)
03_MM_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation (158:00)
4.1_SastraGeek LMS tool usage (89:28)
4.2_SAP Navigation and SAP Tables (82:19)
Assignment - 01
05_MM_procure to pay cycle and basic system configuration (143:19)
06_MM_Enterprise structure (171:13)
07_MM_Material Master (167:15)
08_MM_Other Master Data (173:15)
09_MM_End to end P2P cycle (153:56)
10_MM_Automatic account determination (132:41)
11_MM_Pipe line Procurement (164:42)
12_MM_Indirect procurement (162:07)
13_MM_Release Strategy (183:16)
14_MM_Business Partner (179:13)
15_MM_Consignment and Subcontracting Process (157:44)
16_MM_Vendor acknowledgment and confirmations (124:40)
Assignment_Vendor acknowledgment and confirmations
17_MM_Physical Inventory (112:00)
18_PP_MRP & Subcontracting (141:02)
19_MM_Stock Transfers (144:46)
Assignment - Stock Transfer
20_MM_Output Management (153:44)
21_MM_Logistics Invoice Verification (137:05)
22_MM_Pricing Procedure (183:35)
23_PP_MM_MRP master data and key settings (134:32)
24_MM_Batch Management (155:58)
Assignment_Batch Management
25_MM_Service Procurement (126:48)
26_MM_Doubt Resolving Session (Optional) (111:48)
01_MM_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects (158:43)
02_MM_SAP Project, Phases , system Landscape & Product Journey (139:08)
03_MM_User Interfaces, System Navigation & Fiori Overview (68:27)
04_MM_Different Projects & Overview of P2P Process (157:01)
05_MM_Basic Navigation of System and Basic P2P cycle (121:59)
06_MM_System Configuration (160:32)
07_MM_Material Master and other Master Data (199:24)
08_MM_Business Partner (155:51)
09_MM_Other master data (177:53)
10_MM_Vendor Master Data fields and Fiori Overview (160:59)
11_MM_Automatic account determination (142:42)
12_MM_Overview of Material Requirement Planning (126:06)
13_MM_Partner Function , Vendor Sub Range & Fiori Overview (146:30)
14_MM__MRP Configurations, MRP Group, MRP Profile, MRP Area, Special Procurement Keys (147:44)
15_MM_Pipe line procurement and vendor confirmations (136:43)
16_MM_Indirect Procurement (148:48)
17_MM_Vendor Confirmation (129:45)
18_MM_Release strategy (173:44)
19_MM_Batch Management (100:04)
20_MM_Batch Determinations (49:05)
21_MM_ Invoice Verifications (127:56)
22_MM_Output management (149:02)
23_MM_Pricing Procedure (162:58)
24_MM_Stock Transfer Process (130:04)
Mind Map - STO
25_MM_Physical Inventory (180:42)
26_MM_Service Procurement (152:10)
00_Sap S4 HANA MM (SP) Overview and 10 skills to become a Successful MM Consultant (166:57)
01_MM_Projects , Landscape & End to End Procurement Process in S4 Hana (1) (151:23)
Mind_Map_SP_Mastery_P2P Process with ME56 & ME57
02_MM_Procurement Process with GUI and Fiori (160:14)
03_MM_System Navigation & Enterprise Structure set up. (147:33)
04_MM_Hand_on_System Navigation & Enterprise Structure set up Part - 2 (134:41)
05_MM_Master Data - Business Partner (131:57)
06_MM_Hand_on_Material Master and other Master Data (159:42)
07_MM_Business Partner Configuration (146:47)
08_MM_Other master data I.e. PIR, source list, quota arrangement. (189:02)
09_MM_Procurement Planning (152:20)
10_MM_Auto account Determination (125:16)
11_MM_Batch Management (154:27)
Mind Map - Batch management
Mind Map - Batch Determination
12_MM_Special Processes- Subcontracting (157:09)
13_MM_Indirect procurement (146:19)
14_MM_Consignment and Pipe Line Procurement (146:37)
15_MM_Release Strategy (194:32)
16_MM_Vendor Confirmation and Inbound Delivery (134:22)
17_MM_Invoice Verification (150:23)
Mind Map - Logistics Invoice Verification
18_MM_stock transfer (150:13)
19_MM_pricing procedure (140:42)
20_MM_Physical inventory (96:12)
21_MM_Service Procurement (138:40)
22_MM_Output Management (212:59)
01_MM_22JULY_Overview of S4 Hana Sourcing & Procurment (161:42)
02_MM_Hands on_Navigation Through SAP GUI (198:31)
03_MM_Gamifier_S&P Process in GUI & Fiori & Basic System Set up (187:56)
04_MM_HAND_ON_ ORG Structure (125:14)
05_MM_P2P process with Fiori and Master Data (151:02)
06_MM_Org Structure & Material Master (176:40)
07_MM_Business Partner & PIR , Saturday Topic will be - Source List & Indirect Procurement (153:06)
08_MM_Quota arrangement and Source list (164:26)
09_MM_Account Determination (134:12)
10_MM_Procurement Planning (148:57)
11_MM_Indirect Procurement (154:50)
12_MM_Special Processes - Subcontracting, Pipe Line Procurement & Consignment Process (172:48)
13_MM_Release Strategy (124:47)
14_MM_Stock Transfer (132:13)
15_MM_Pricing procedure (144:00)
16_MM_Vendor Confirmation (142:10)
17_MM_Outline agreement (152:53)
18_MM_Batch Management (130:49)
19_MM_Invoice Verification (130:20)
20_MM_Doubt Session (57:05)
21_MM_Output Management (112:58)
Archive_Doubt & Discussion Sessions May_22_Batch
01_MM_Overview of Bundle Mastery S&P (123:30)
02_MM_Material Master and Material Master Configuration (93:32)
03_MM_Consignment Procurement Process (116:55)
04_MM_Automatic Account Determination (139:57)
05_MM_Overview of Tables (121:14)
06_MM_Overview of Reports (147:49)
Archive_Gamifier Videos 02_Mar_Batch
Detailed Schedule of Gamifier Batch
01_System Configuration from Scratch and End to End Process Flow (153:01)
02_Enterprise Structure & Master Data (167:04)
Mind Map Enterprise Structure
Mind Map Master Data
03_End to End Fiori Process and Business Partner Configuration (Video| Assignment| Mind Map) (130:36)
04_Procurement Planning and Indirect Procurement (157:02)
Mind Map Different Type of Procurement Indirect Procurement
Mind Map Procurement Planning
05_Special Processes (167:56)
Mind Maps - Consignment Process
Mind Maps - Outbound Delivery for Subcontracting
Mind Maps - Sub Contracting Process
06_Pipe Line Material & Vendor Confirmations (130:50)
07_Supplier Invoice Management and Output Management (146:45)
Mind Map - Logistics Invoice Verification
08_MM_Output Management and Outline Agreement (151:09)
Archive_Doubt & Discussion Sessions 02_Mar_Batch
01_Tips, Trick & navigation through basic P2P flow, Types of projects and queries resolution (150:53)
Session Notes - Tips, Trick & navigation through basic P2P flow, Types of projects and queries resolution
02_Material Master configuration and Quantity and Value update implication on P2P flow (182:21)
Session Notes - Material Master
Assignment - Material Master configuration and Quantity and Value update implication on P2P flow
03_Info Record & Source List (124:27)
Session Notes - Source List & Material Price
04_Automatic Account Determination (133:55)
05_Pricing Procedure (148:07)
Session Notes - Pricing Procedure
06_Release Strategy (174:10)
Session Notes - Release Strategy
07_Physical Inventory (205:38)
Session Notes - Physical Inventory
08_Stock Transfer and Intra STO (184:28)
Session Notes - Stock Transfer and Intra STO
Assignment - Stock Transfer and Intra STO
09_MM_Service_Procurement (106:01)
01_SAP S4 Hana Sourcing _ Procurement (Doubts Sessions) (109:57)
02_SAP S4 Hana Sourcing _ Procurement (Doubts Sessions) (111:38)
03_Consignment Process for Vendor Materials (155:46)
Don't miss it. (1:29)
04_Release Strategy of Purchase Order (110:59)
05_Quota Arrangement (80:33)
06_Subcontracting with Outbound Delivery (117:02)
07_Business Partner Overview (139:34)
08_Automatic Account Determination (89:01)
09_Output Determination (141:00)
10_Sourcing & Procurement Configurations (140:41)
11_Account Determination Certification Questions​ (120:41)
12_Logistics Invoice Verification​ (91:16)
13_MM_DOUBT_Training guidance & hands-on issue resolving (103:49)
Teach online with
04_MM_HAND_ON_ ORG Structure
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