Release Strategy_Assignment and QA

Lesson Summary

The process for creating a purchase order and approving it involves the following steps: 1. Create your own release strategy. 2. Create a purchase order. 3. Approve the purchase order. 4. Get the purchase order number. In the next session, the process of creating a purchase order and checking can be discussed further. When creating a purchase order, make sure to specify the required information such as the item, quantity, and material. You can make changes to the purchase order before releasing it, but once it has been released, any amendments should be done through the appropriate channels. In the CLAN system, there are certain settings that need to be checked before making any changes. It is important to complete the assigned task of creating a document for PR approval without classification. Ensure that you mention in the document that multiple classes cannot be assigned. Use the thread "Cialis 8" for this assignment. In the next session, please complete the assignment and set an alarm to remind yourself. The assignment will be shared in the telegram. Thank you for joining and participating.

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