Course Curriculum
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- 01_EWM_ Warehouse layouts, Terminology and basic concepts (104:46)
- 02_15-02-25_EWM_SAP S/4 & EWM Org Structure and Different SAP EWM Landscape Approaches for data transfer (190:08)
- 03_21-02-25_EWM_SAP S/4 Org and EWM structure - Business Discussions and Creation of S/4 Org Structure (178:40)
- 04_22-02-25_EWM_EWM Organization Structure and Landscape Settings between ERP and EWM (208:24)
- 05_28-02-2025_EWM_Erp-integration checks, Availability Group concepts , Creation of master data (vendor and material ) for simple inbound process. (163:00)
- 06_01-03-25_EWM_ERP-EWM mapping documents , creation of Warehouse Process Type (WPT), Creation of Storage Types and creation of Bins for Simple inbound process (198:23)
- 07_08-09-2025_EWM_ (151:34)
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- SAP EWM Topics Spread Sheet
- 01_EWM_ Warehouse layouts, Terminology and basic concepts to kick start EWM Learning (141:49)
- 02_EWM_S4 org and EWM org structure . (110:11)
- 03_EWM_EWM Organization Structure and Landscape Settings between ERP and EWM (203:50)
- 04_EWM_Erp-integration checks, Availability Group concepts , Creation of master data (vendor and material ) for simple inbound process. (177:02)
- ERP-EWM integration document
- 05_EWM_ERP-EWM mapping documents , creation of Warehouse Process Type (WPT), Creation of Storage Types and creation of Bins for Simple inbound process (222:12)
- 06_EWM_EWM Simple Inbound process , Inbound delivery document types , Putaway strategies, Storage Type search Sequence (STSS) , Putaway controls and creation of Packing materials and packing configuration (HU Management) (171:01)
- Doc - HU-Management
- 07_01-06-24_EWM_Running simple inbound process test scenarios for packing and repacking Handling units (148:54)
- 07.2_EWM_Running simple inbound process test scenarios for packing and repacking Handling units (161:21)
- 08_EWM complex inbound process by POSC - Business processes AND EWM_master data and configuration (211:34)
- 09_EWM complex inbound process by POSC & Configuration Activity and activity areas approach, Bin Sorting , determination of Deconsolidation, Automatic Door determination , and Storage Bin type determination (180:40)
- 10_EWM_Complex inbound process by POSC - Preparing and Running (testing SIT ) several test scenarios. (201:39)
- Doc - Complex-inbound-process-including-Deco-AND-VAS-08062024
- 14_29-06-24_EWM_Exception Handling - Discussed several Business cases , Config and Tested for Complex Inbound Process inlcuding POSC +LOSC and exception codes (216:16)
- 15_30-06-24_EWM_Overview of Radio Frequency (RF) Framework (222:03)
- 17_07-07-24_EWM_Transporation Unit (TU) Configuration (185:54)
- 18_15-07-24_EWM_Post Processing Framework (PPF) (104:24)
- 21_23-07-24_EWM Outbound Process (139:57)
- 22_24-07-24_EWM_Core Outbound Process ( S/4 config and EWM Config) (119:51)
- 23_30-07-24_EWM_Complex Outbound Process ( EWM Config) (97:18)
- 24_31-07-24_EWM_Complex Outbound Process ( EWM Config) Part - 2 (176:48)
- 25_EWM_07-08-2024_Outbound Operations Configuration (51:36)
- 26_EWM_17-08-24_Complex Outbound Process -SIT End to End with TU (147:10)
- 27_18-08-24_EWM_Wave Management for Outbound Process (183:32)
- 28_24-08-24_EWM Physcial Inventory & Wave Management for Outbound Process (along with POSC +LOSC) + Resource Mangement + Process Codes +Exception Handling (154:31)
- 29_25-08-24_EWM_EWM Physcial Inventory - SIT (220:19)
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- SAP EWM Topics Spread Sheet
- 01_EWM_Warehouse Layouts, Terminology & Basic Concepts to kick start EWM Learning (152:48)
- 02_EWM_S4 org and EWM org structure . (144:10)
- 03_EWM Organization Structure and Landscape Settings between ERP and EWM (162:37)
- 04_EWM_Erp-integration checks, Availability Group concepts. (171:16)
- ERP-EWM integration document
- 05_EWM_ Creation of master data (vendor and material ) for simple inbound process,ERP-EWM mapping documents , creation of Warehouse Process Type (WPT), Creation of Storage Types and creation of Bins for Simple inbound process (185:57)
- 06_EWM_EWM Simple Inbound process , Inbound delivery document types , Putaway strategies, Storage Type search Sequence (STSS) , Putaway controls and creation of Packing materials and packing configuration (HU Management) (223:17)
- 07_EWM_Running simple inbound process test scenarios for packing and repacking Handling units, EWM complex inbound process by POSC - Business processes (208:20)
- Doc - HU-Management
- 08_EWM complex inbound process by POSC - Business processes AND EWM_master data and configuration (222:05)
- Doc_Complex-inbound-process-including-Deco-AND-VAS-23122023
- 09_EWM_Complex inbound process by POSC, S/4 material master data, EWM door storage type &bins Staging storage type & bins, Decon Work centre configuration ( Storage type , bin, work centre layout ) , Racking and Mezzanine storage types, storage bin structure and mass creation of bins (189:52)
- 10_EWM_complex inbound process by POSC (198:16)
- 011-complex inbound process by POSC,Storage Bin type determination &HU type, HU group. End to end complex inbound processes SIT testing . (173:49)
- 12_EWM Value added services (VAS) Business case , Design, Implement and test Package Specfications Structure, and Determination Procedure (199:17)
- 13_EWM_Complex inbound process by POSC - End to End VAS SIT test (190:38)
- 14_EWM_Auto pack - Business case , Design, build and testing,LOSC - Buisness case , Design, build and testing and Complex inbound process by POSC and LOSC - Business case , Desin, Build and End to End testing (155:18)
- 15_EWM_Exception Handling - Discussed several Business cases , Config and Tested for Complex Inbound Process inlcuding POSC +LOSC and exception codes (173:13)
- 16_EWM_RF Frame Work Enhancement and Transporation Unit (TU) Configuration (214:25)
- 17_EWM_Resource Management (183:19)
- 18_EWM_Post Processing Framework (PPF) (198:27)
- 19_EWM_PPF-Implementation of HU Receiving Lable (157:04)
- 20_EWM_Outbound process (168:22)
- Session Notes - Outbound Process
- 21_EWM_Simple Outbound Process - S4 and EWM configuration , Stock removal strategies , and End to end Testing entire OTC cycle including Invoice and Payment (168:29)
- 22_EWM_Complex outbound process Part-1 (190:41)
- 23_EWM_Complex outbound process Part-2 (199:36)
- 24_EWM_Complex Outbound Process -SIT End to End (189:04)
- 25_EWM_Wave Management for Outbound Process (188:35)
- 26_EWM_Wave Management for Outbound Process (along with POSC +LOSC) + Resource Mangement + Process Codes +Exception Handling (196:37)
- List of Parts
- 27_EWM_Outbound Processs- Printing Configuration (204:41)
- 28_EWM_EWM Physcial Inventory (193:45)
- 29_EWM_Overvierw Serializtaion (150:50)
- 30_EWM_SAP EWM Yard Management & Inbound-Grief(Cancellation) (184:53)
- 31_EWM_SAP EWM Replenishment-Config (175:57)
- 32_SAP_EWM_Scrapping_Process - Design, Develop, Implement and Testing & EWM Batch Management (151:01)
- 33_EWM_Outbound Processs- Grief ( Cancellation or Reverse process ODO from TU and GI-End to End SIT ) and SAP EWM Cross-Docking-Config & Testing (193:08)
- 34_EWM_SAP Batch Management and Inbound Grief ( Camcellation Activities including reversal of GR) (150:12)
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- Complex-inbound-process-including-Deco-12032023
- 09_EWM_07_Core Inbound Process - Test cases and Complex Inbound Process by POSC (186:14)
- 10_EWM_08_master data and configuration (139:36)
- 11_EWM_09_ complex inbound process by POSC & Configuration Activity and activity areas approach, Bin Sorting , determination of Deconsolidation, Automatic Door determination , and Storage Bin type determination ( HU management configuration and Bin type approach ) (158:11)
- 12_EWM_10_EWM_Complex inbound process by POSC - Preparing and Running (testing SIT ) several test scenarios. (154:52)
- 13_EWM_11_EWM_Value added services (VAS) - Business case , Design, Implement and test. Package Specfications Structure, and Deterrminaion Procedure (164:38)
- 14_EWM_Complex Inbound Process by POSC (218:49)
- 15_EWM_Simple inbound for Auto pack (178:32)
- 16_EWM_Losc - Complex posc and Losc and Also Exception Handling covering posc and Losc (212:06)
- 17_EWM_Overview of Radio Frequency (RF) Framework (219:21)
- 18_EWM_18_EWM_RF Frame Work Enhancement (182:06)
- 19_EWM_Transporation Unit (TU) Configuration (182:00)
- 20_EWM_Post Processing Framework (PPF) (168:43)
- 21_EWM_PPF-Implementation of HU Receiving Lable (171:16)
- 22_EWM_EWM Outbound Process (179:22)
- 23_EWM_Core Outbound Process S4 config and EWM Config (147:15)
- 24_EWM_Complex Outbound Process ( EWM Config) (135:49)
- 25_EWM_Complex Outbound Process ( EWM Config) Part - 2 (190:11)
- 26_EWM_Complex Outbound Process -SIT End to End (130:39)
- 27_EWM_Wave Management for Outbound Process (175:40)
- 28_EWM_EWM Physcial Inventory (192:37)