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SAP ABAP Core Blueprint Curriculum
OOPS ABAP Curriculum
SAP ABAP - June Batch Day wise schedule
01_05-12-2024_ABAP_Introduction to SAP, ERP and ABAP (77:00)
02_06-12-24_ABAP_ABAP introduction and basic write statement and system variable (62:27)
03_09-12-2024_ABAP_write statement and system variable assignment (78:13)
04_10-12-24_ABAP_select statement and loop (75:32)
05_11-12-24_ABAP_Database table update using Abap code (77:54)
06_12-12-24_ABAP_Read and loop statement (74:08)
07_13-12-24_ABAP_Inner join (70:36)
08_16-12-24_ABAP_Function module (94:05)
09_17-12-24_ABAP_function module creation (68:06)
10_18-12-24_ABAP_function module in report program (62:03)
11_19-12-24_ABAP_alv function module (49:47)
12_20-12-24_ABAP_Interactive report (67:56)
13_23-12-24_ABAP_Smart from Introduction (65:02)
14_24-12-24_ABAP_Smart from table data (70:57)
15 26-12-24 ABAP_Smart from Project (64:52)
16_27-12-24_ABAP_Smart from project completion (96:27)
17_30-12-24_ABAP_All entries program (65:43)
18_31-12-24_ABAP_Debugging Techniques and Key Usage (77:10)
19 02-01-25 ABAP_Fibonacci Series Completion and Job Scheduling (76:19)
20_03-01-25_ABAP_New System and Exam Preparation (103:24)
21_06-01-25_ABAP_Creating Classes in SAP System (77:08)
22-07-01-25_ABAP_OOABAP (68:44)
23_08-01-25-ABAP_ABAP Exception Handling Explained (58:16)
24_09-01-25_ABAP_Abstract Classes and Methods Explained (63:14)
25_10-01-25_ABAP_Displaying Data With ALV in ABAP (82:01)
26_13-01-25_ABAP_Abap Project Completion and Display (82:58)
27_14-01-25_ABAP_Introducing Hana: Advanced SAP Technology (75:14)
28_15-01-25_ABAP_Syntax Usage and Internal Tables (61:30)
29_16-01-25_ABAP_HANA Introduction (65:26)
30_17-01-2025_ABAP_DATA Migration BDC (62:39)
31_20-01-2025_ABAP_O DATA (77:18)
32_21-01-2025_ABAP and HANA in Eclipse (51:11)
33_22-01-25_ABAP_Eclipse and Hana Studio (58:37)
34_23-01-25_ABAP_CDS views oncore data (67:32)
35_24-01-25_ABAP_Exam on O ABAP and HANA (79:11)
36_28-01-25_ABAP_AMDP (47:37)
37_29-01-25_ABAP_UEFI and Fiori Introduction (39:32)
38_30-01-25_ABAP_Revision on Data Dictionary, FM, Report (49:57)
39_31-01-25_ABAP_Revision of ALV, OOPS and hana (48:19)
01_17-06-24_ABAP_Basic sap and Abap introduction and Abap first program (77:53)
Doc_ABAP_Introduction to ABAP
Doc_ABAP_Introduction to ABAP programming
Doc_ABAP_Getting started with ABAP programming
02_18-06-24_ABAP_Data Dictionary (77:26)
03_19-06-24_ABAP_Data dictionary and report program (51:45)
Document_ABAP_Data Dictionary
04_20-06-24_ABAP_View, search help, lock object, Abap report program (70:51)
21-06-24_ABAP_Practical Exam 1 (75:37)
Assignment_Practical Exam 2
05_24-06-24_Abap report program to join tables data using loop and read statement and display using classical method (95:00)
06_25-06-24_ABAP_Abap report using inner join (46:26)
07_26-06-24_ABAP_Function Module (56:55)
08_27-06-24_ABAP_Function module in report program and standard function module uses (58:53)
Doc_ABAP_S4 ABAP_Developers Guidelines and Performance Tunning
28-06-24_ABAP_Practical Exam 2 (65:23)
Assignment_Practical Exam 2
09_01-07-2024_ABAP_For all entries and ALV (54:39)
10_02-07-24_ABAP_Smart forms (65:58)
11_03-07-24_ABAP_Smart forms Part-2 (36:40)
12_05-07-24_ABAP_Smart forms table creation with driver program (48:42)
13_08-07-24_ABAP_Upload program (49:13)
14_09-07-24_ABAP_A mini project to Complete report program (14:36)
15_ABAP-10-07-24_ABAP - Bdc and adobe forms (55:10)
16_12-07-24_ABAP_Background job scheduling (53:00)
17_15-07-24_ABAP_Enhancement (47:40)
18_16-07-24_ABAP_Transport management (23:40)
Doc_ ABAP_Transport Management
19_17-07-24_ABAP_Dialog Programming Part - 1 (47:33)
20_18-07-24_ABAP_Dialog Programming Part - 2 (31:50)
21_19-07-24_ABAP_Interface (54:43)
Doc_ABAP_S4 ABAP_Subroutines
Doc_ABAP_S4_OO Events
01_ABAP_Basic sap and Abap introduction and Abap first program (62:42)
02_ABAP_Table creation and data into table (90:38)
03_ABAP_Parameter, select option, where conditions an debug (83:12)
04_ABAP_Inner join and for all entries program and read statement (87:38)
05_ABAP_Function module creation and FM uses (80:21)
06_ABAP_Recall Report tablr creation , innnerjoin, forall entries (85:51)
07_ABAP_Smart forms (81:46)
08_ABAP_Smart forms - and All subroutine (46:47)
09_ABAP_Z function module (83:29)
10_ABAP_Dialog programming (74:48)
11_ABAP_Dialog Programming Part - 2 (86:55)
12_ABAP_Se11 - Complete ( Data dic) and BDC (75:51)
13_ABAP_Idocs / Enhancement / BAPI (62:03)
14_ABAP_Exam (85:05)
15_ABAP_OO ABAP Introduction (88:55)
16_ABAP_ABAP Class creation (84:06)
17_ABAP_OO ABAP IN Detail (80:52)
18_ABAP_Encapsulation and Abstraction (67:51)
19_ABAP_Coding using OO Class (definition , impementation, Abstract) (86:50)
21_ABAP_Advanced OO ABAP (88:51)
22_ABAP_Enhancement (61:03)
23_ABAP_Practical EXAM (80:10)
24_ABAP_TMS and Background Job (60:44)
25_ABAP_ALV OO and Classic (83:14)
26_ABAP_ALV interactive report (72:25)
27_ABAP_EXAM (82:21)
28_ABAP_Hana Introduction (66:53)
29_ABAP_HANA Coding (69:35)
30_ABAP_HANA Modeling (80:08)
31_ABAP_Exam (81:26)
32_ABAP_SAP ODATA (84:07)
33_ABAP_SAP ODATA (85:53)
34_ABAP_SAP UI5 and Fiori (78:54)
35_ABAP_Exam (91:54)
36_ABAP_Opes session for Doubts (89:04)
What is object orientation
01_ABAP Key Words (54:02)
02_ABAP_Tables and types keywords in declarative keywords (69:31)
F - classical report - 1
F - classical report - 2
03_ABAP_25-07-2022 (69:23)
04_Controlling keywords, if - elsif - endif, Debugging Introduction (62:45)
FJoins in reports
05_ABAP_Controlling Keywords Using Mutiple of (65:13)
Foreign key relaionship in data dictionary document
06_ABAP_Case & Endcase. And Diff nw Multiple if & Case ..-do-endo (62:07)
07_ABAP_String operations (67:01)
08_ABAP_String operations Part - 2 (62:02)
09_ABAP_Data dictionary (domain and data element introduction) (63:03)
Table creation in data dictionary
10_ABAP_Data element creation and structure creation (73:05)
11_ABAP_Structure creation part -2 and table introduction and creation (70:09)
12_ABAP_Inserting data in table and include and append structure creation video (65:17)
structure creation in data dictionary
13_ABAP_Search help creation and lock object creation (63:34)
14_ABAP_ Internal table introduction and creation (62:26)
15_ABAP_ Internal table debugging and introduction of internal table operation (65:06)
16_ABAP_Internal table operations (62:34)
17_ABAP_System getting restarted PL (22:44)
18_PP_Internal table operations and DML (56:58)
Internal table operations
Internal table simple program
19_ABAP_Modularization techniques using subroutines (66:12)
Modularization techniques
20_ABAP_ function module creation (68:23)
String operations
21_ABAP_Fm implementation and calling (48:11)
22_ABAP_Report introduction and creation (61:26)
23_ABAP_Classical report creation part2 (48:56)
24_ABAP_classical report using events (62:03)
25_ABAP_interactive report introduction and creation (61:08)
26_ABAP_At usercommand using interactive report (65:47)
27_ABAP_Joins (42:47)
28_ABAP _ For all entries (63:33)
29_ABAP_ALV reports introduction and same report (57:14)
30_ABAP_ALV fieldcat reports (57:30)
Session Notes - Toatls, sorting and subtotals in alv reports
31_ABAP_Blocked ALV (56:02)
Session Notes - Blocked alv report
32_ABAP_For all entries introduction part -1 (61:36)
34_ABAP_Hierarchical ALV Reports (59:57)
Session Notes - Hierarchal ALV
33_ABAP_For all entries introduction part -2 (52:14)
35_ABAP_ For all entries part - 2 (52:12)
36_ABAP_bapi-introduction and standard bapi (57:15)
Session Notes - STANDARD BAPI
37_ABAP_custom bapi (65:35)
Session Notes - Custom bapi creation
Session Notes - Intercative alv report
38_ABAP_mpp(module pool programing) (51:40)
Session Notes - Module pool programming using normal screens_mahitha
39_ABAP_MPP tab strip control part 1 design (62:09)
40_ABAP_tab strip part 2 (57:01)
Session Notes - Tabstrip control in MPP_mahitha
41_ABAP_Smart form (61:11)
42_ABAP_Smart form using driver pg part - 1 (51:27)
43_ABAP_Smartform using driver pg part 2 (55:29)
44_ABAP_smartform driver pg implementation (57:23)
45_ABAP_45copy window and barcode (67:10)
46_OOPS ABAP_Oops abap introduction and object and class creation (67:54)
At line selection in reports
At user command in interactive report
Controlling keywords
Domain and data element in data dictionary Part - 1
Domain and data element in data dictionary Part - 2
Teach online with
10_ABAP_Data element creation and structure creation
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