01_17-06-24_ABAP_Basic sap and Abap introduction and Abap first program

Topic Covered -

  • SAP ABAP Basics Training Session
  • Introduction to ABAP ERP and SAP System Navigation
  • ABAP Program Creation and Execution Process
  • Proper Coding Formatting and Debugging
  • Exploring ABAP Tool in SAP System
  • Data Table and Data Structure Overview
  • SAP ABAP Training Session Overview
  • SAP Integration and Amazon's Operations
  • SAP ABAP Backend and Integration
  • Biryani Shop Analogy in ERP Systems
  • Upcoming Training Program Discussion


SAP ABAP Basics Training Session

pradeep, an experienced SAP consultant, started teaching the attendees, many of whom were also SAP professionals, the basics of SAP ABAP. He encouraged those with experience to learn alongside the beginners to make the demonstration easier to understand. pradeep also welcomed participants who were new to SAP. The attendees were asked to introduce themselves and share their backgrounds, with a particular focus on their SAP experience. Despite some initial technical issues with the audio, the participants were able to join and participate in the training.

Introduction to Abap Erp and SAP System Navigation

pradeep introduced the team to the basic concepts of Abap Erp, including program writing, performance optimization, and report generation. He also discussed more advanced topics such as modelization, object-oriented programming, data migration, and enhancing Abap program functionality. pradeep then demonstrated how to access and log into the SAP system, providing instructions for both fresh and experienced users. He also explained the concept of a T-code screen, which is used to navigate different screens within the SAP system. The team was informed that they would have weekly exams on both theory and practical aspects.

ABAP Program Creation and Execution Process

pradeep explained the process of creating and executing programs in the ABAP system. He emphasized the importance of following specific naming conventions and demonstrated the creation of a 'Hello World' program. pradeep also highlighted the need to differentiate between ABAP commands and user commands, and the potential issues that can arise from incorrect syntax. Finally, he outlined the necessary steps to activate, execute, and save a program.

Proper Coding Formatting and Debugging

pradeep stressed the importance of proper coding formatting, syntax, and the use of full stops in statements, highlighting potential errors that can arise from neglecting these aspects. He also clarified to Shyam s that codes are not case-sensitive. pradeep further demonstrated a programming task, emphasizing the necessity of proper input and the significance of understanding the output, particularly the date format displayed. A query by Vasanth about the program's inability to display the correct date led to a discussion on potential reasons for this issue.

Exploring Abap Tool in SAP System

pradeep introduced the concept of Abap, a tool used in the SAP system, and explained its functionality using a video game analogy. He demonstrated how to navigate the system, use commands, and extract data, including complex data structures and variables. He also clarified the concept of 'sway' data and the difference between application server time and the time displayed on the screen. Shyam s and Sunil were present, asking relevant questions to enhance their understanding of the system.

Data Table and Data Structure Overview

pradeep clarified the difference between a data table and a data structure to Shyam s and demonstrated how to use these in their system. pradeep also showed Shyam s how to retrieve data from a table and announced that the next class would focus on creating a table and storing data in it. Additionally, pradeep explained the use of a specific function in their system and guided Shyam s through the process of editing a table, ending with an affirmation of Shyam s's comprehension.

SAP ABAP Training Session Overview

pradeep conducted a basic training session on SAP ABAP commands, emphasizing the importance of hands-on practice and encouraging participants to make mistakes and learn. He outlined a 45-day training plan, focusing on the SAP system, especially ABAP, and confirmed that future sessions would cover more advanced topics. pradeep also urged team members to acquire SAP access and ensure they could see the presentation. Vasanth inquired about the level of the session, and pradeep confirmed that it was introductory, with more complex topics to be covered later.

SAP Integration and Amazon's Operations

pradeep and Nishant discussed the integration and functionality of SAP in Amazon's operations. pradeep explained the login process, the various SAP modules such as HR, MM, and SD, and how they are used in Amazon's business operations. He also clarified the role of Abap in customizing different modules, with the Basis team managing all related tasks. Nishant confirmed his understanding of these processes, and pradeep expressed satisfaction with the clarifications received.

SAP ABAP Backend and Integration

pradeep explained the backend process of user authentication using ABAP in SAP, and how it connects to various modules like product availability tracking and sales orders. He also demonstrated how to search for specific products in a table and highlighted the importance of primary key connections between tables in their database system. pradeep further discussed the role of ABAP in SAP, emphasizing its integration with other aspects like payment and delivery details. Additionally, he posed a question about the rationale behind choosing SAP as an ERP system over other options like Salesforce.

Biryani Shop Analogy in ERP Systems

pradeep used the analogy of a Biryani shop to explain the concept of a single package providing all necessary components, emphasizing the convenience and efficiency it offers to customers. He discussed the importance of adapting to customer needs, competition, and technological changes in the context of ERP systems. pradeep also clarified that while SAP has been around since 1970, it is now primarily used in the cloud and is widely adopted by many businesses globally. Vasanth indicated he had a question for pradeep, although the question was not provided in the transcript.

Upcoming Training Program Discussion

The team, including Vasanth, pradeep, SastraGeek, Ashwin, Sunil, and Shyam s, discussed the upcoming training program which would cover both on-premise and cloud-based learning. pradeep clarified that the program would include learning Ecc, Hannah's coding, and the Abap programming language, which would be beneficial for the team's techno-functional independence and project participation. The training would also cover the basics of Bop and Bdc, OOPS concepts, and debugging, with a focus on practical learning. A second meeting was scheduled for the next day, and attendees were encouraged to enroll in advance.

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