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SAP PP - Mind Maps and Content Library
Integration with Other Modules
Integration with Other Modules
Who Will be users
Mind Map - Who Will be users
10 Keys To Success
Mind Map - 10 Keys To Success
Vehicle To Success
Mind Map - Vehicle To Success
Different Kind of Projects
Mind Map - Different Kind of Projects
Mind Map - SAP Products & Journey
Mind Map - Landscape
Mind Map - Different Roles
Mind Map - Project Phases
Benefits of Using SAP PP Mind Maps
Mind Map - SAP PP Configuration
SAP Production Planning & Manufacturing Mastery
Material Master
Mind Map - Material Master
MRP - Complete
MRP - Configuration
MRP Group
MRP Profile
MRP - Area
MRP - Type
MRP - Run
MRP - Assignment
Planning strategy
planning strategy 10, 11, 20 and 40
planning strategy 10
planning strategy 11
planning strategy 20
planning strategy 40
Planning strategy
planning strategy 30,50,52,60
planning strategy 30
planning strategy 50
planning strategy 52
planning strategy 60
Batch management
Batch management
What is Batch Management
Basic Transaction
Batch Level
Batch classification
Production Batches
Capacity planning
Capacity planning
Why Capacity Planning Required
Master Data
Kanban in SAP
Kanban in SAP
What is Kanban
Implementation Considerations
Key Features
Additional Sources
Repetitive Manufacturing
Repetitive Manufacturing
What is Repetitive Manufacturing?
Repetitive Manufacturing -Discrete v/s Repetitive
Repetitive Manufacturing - Properties
Repetitive Manufacturing - Process
ERP Discrete Manufacturing PP-DI Master Data
Classify material master
Changes to the material master
Create alternative routing
Archive Material Master Records
Create Co product for production orders
Configure a bills of material CONTROL parameters
Use of Core Interface in S/4 and the Transfer of PDS and Transaction Data to Advanced Planning in S/4
Alternative (Substitute) Components with Usage Probability
How can data be entered into the SAP system through Master Data Governance (MDG)
Engineering Workbench CEWB Create a Bill of Material
Procurement Planning and detail scheduling - create bills of material updated in FIORI app (S/4 1809))
Create CEWB work areas
PP Mater data - Create Material Master for manufacturing
Create Multiple BOM
Create Parallel sequence and component assignments
Create production Versions
Create Reference Operations Sets
Create Trigger Points
Create Varient BOMs
Creating a Simple Routing
Creating an Engineering BOM without plant and allocate to plant
Create Work centers
Use ECM basics to make a BOM changes
Task list changes with ECM
Navigate in the EWB
EWB Set Work area, Selection criteria and Effectivity window for engineering workbench
Making BOM changes
Mass Change and the Product structure browser
Craete Material Assignment and component Allocations
Multilevel BOM Reporting
Reference capacity and pooled capacity
Routing assisgnment to Multiple assemblies
Create sub-operaations and user-defined fields
Schedule Time Elements and Reductions in the routing
Set scrap Factors in production
Substitute Items in production orders
Use PLM web user interfare
SAP PP Case Scenario
Case study PP - Withdrawal from different plant
Case study using Production versions
Mixing ration costing with production versions
Case study - Work center hierarchy for production order planning
Case study Plan and execute Production version Based production order
SAP SCM Capacity Planning & Leveling
SAP capacity Planning - Work center pool
Work center capacity header capacity requirements
How to create work center hierarchy
SAP Capacity Planning finite forward scheduling
ERP leveling Capacity leveling with setup time optimization
Overall Profile for Work Center Load Report and Excel
Simulating Production Order Dispatch
SAP SCM Logistics (Batch Management)
Multi-level Batch Traceability via batch cockpit
Batch Determination in MM (Goods issue)
Batch Determination For kanban transfer
batch determination at Production orders confirmation for backflushing material
PP - Automatic Batch Determination for components at production release
Batch Determination In production order
Batch Determination at REM Backflush for Repetitive Manufacturing
PP Repititive Manufacturing Pull list batch determination
Batch Determination for sales order delivery
Batch Determination WMS for material staging to production supply area for 'Crate part' materials
Linking Batch as valuation type
LO Batch tracebility using batch cockpit
How to setup batch unit of measure
LO Documentry batch
Production orders - batch determination for blackflusing material at production order confirmation
PP Session Notes
SAP ERP, Hana & S/4 Hana Basics Session 1
SAP Different Modules Logistics End to End Process Flow PP Master Data, Session 2
SAP PP End to End Process Flow Project Methodology, User Interface, Enterprise Structure. Session 3
Enterprise Structure, Co. Code and Plant Setup, FI-CO/MM/PP Baseline Configuration session 4
PP Baseline Configuration PP Master Data session 5
PP Master Data Creation Material Master, BOM Work Center, Routing Production Version, Product Cost Estimate Session 6
PP Master Data MTS-PP End to End process Production Order Cost Analysis Production Order Settlement Session 7
Backflush & Auto GR Production Scheduling Profile- OPKP Control Key- OP00 Confirmation Parameters- OPK4 Session 8
Planning Strategies Net Requirement Planning (10) Gross Requirement Planning (11) Planning with Final Assembly (40) MTO Make to Order (20) Session 9
Planning Strategies Make to Order (20) Production By Lot (30) Planning without Final Assembly (50) MTS Planning with Planning Material (63) MTO Planning with Planning Material (60) Session 10
REM- Repetitive Manufacturing Session 11
Batch Management - Manual Batch Determination for Production Order Automatic Batch Determination for Production Order Batch Management Configuration Capacity Planning/Levelling Session 12
Kanban Collective Order Session 13
Teach online with
Procurement Planning and detail scheduling - create bills of material updated in FIORI app (S/4 1809))
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